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This simple project is entitled Real Estate Portal System. This is a simple web-based application that was developed using PHP/OOP and MySQL Database. This project is a simple website where can real state agents or brokers can publish the estate that they are handling. This allows...
This code will teach you on how to populate the subform using the criteria on the parent form with a click of a mouse. It will automatically compute the interest rate of a particular loan based on the number of term specified.
Good for beginners to learn Microsoft Access database programming...
This is a guide that I compiled some weeks back tested and working. Initially i was selling it but now im giving it our for free. You can earn between $20-$50 instantly on registration. Please follow the guide its beginner friendly.
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x64 ring0 rootkit with process hiding, privilege escalation, and capabilities for protecting and unprotecting processes - GitHub - ZeroMemoryEx/Chaos-Rootkit: x64 ring0 rootkit with process hiding,... [With Video Demonstration]
[Educational Puposes Only
hey there guys. im a 18 year old dude and i wanted to do some research about rap tastes. so i would be very thankfull if you could give me your opinion about rap and their best rappers(can also be non english). i hope you can help me and thank you in advance. -kanakun
Create an account on AliExpress or sign in if you already have one.
Lookup for goods with little sales. 10-30 sales is excellent.
Contact the seller and explain that you are an Instagram influencer with a large following who wants to evaluate their product on Instagram. You may then...
Hello Nulled !
I decided to share with you a monetizing technique that is totally legal ! by the way, i'm pretty sure this one was not posted over and over because i discovered it by myself
Anyone investing in CPChain?
They have investment from VeChain which I think is a fucking good ass company.
I'm going to copy paste some pictures I found from another thread which got me into it.
I invested at $0.11 CAD and now it's at $0.18 - some people are predicting it's going to hit the...