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  1. H

    Buffer Overflow Attack Protection in C# .NET

    Introduction: This tutorial is on how to secure your application in C# from Buffer Overflow Attacks. What's a Buffer Overflow Attack? (BTA) A buffer overflow attack is when the user purposefully enters too much data in such a way that the program will spill the data across different memory...
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    Count SubString in a Large String in Java

    This tutorial will teach you how to create a program that will have an example of Caret Event and Listener in Java. A CaretEvent lets the user notify interested parties that the text caret has changed in the event with its source. Note: A caret is the cursor indicating the insertion point So...
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    400+ rp accs x3 [one is 1.5k RP] EUW

    Dragonm8:bas2851976 varan117:28q64w15e DCjah:transformer1 dont be leecher.
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    someone edited the nulled wiki??????

    before https://iwana.kill-all.men/QcHVyq.png after https://iwana.kill-all.men/lu1gNl.png
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    The most interesting essays about William Shakespeare

    Hi everyone. Has anyone of you written any essay? To be honest, I've written a ton of essays, but still I'm not sure I will be able to write the essay about William Shakespeare. Seriously, I will have exams where I will have to write essay, and my teacher said that the essay will be related to...
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    Enjoy bro https://www.canva.com/brand/join?token=YKXfs4vb8-Rc7nckVQ_9mw&brandingVariant=edu&referrer=team-invite
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    Microsoft deprecates Defender Application Guard for Office

  9. H

    Dork Region Targeter Tool - Change your standard dorks into region targeted dorks

    *** No permission to see content *** Enjoy! https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/2eeedf1eef2dbcf19a91533cd82450ad11b8efb0fdbcf4b4f8ed78f52b513f4b/detection This leak has been rated as not working times this month. (2 times in total)



