Any brilliant ideas how to make money of 56 Android phones?
-Every phone has a different IP/(mobile data),
-Phones are not rooted, but possible to do, in case the idea requires that.
You can pm if you got a awesome idea!
Or just comment:)
Have a nice evening
[No Code] x ChatGPT
Guide to creating and monetizing Saas AI apps, Chat GPT prompts and AI tools using Formwise. (No coding required)
What you will learn:
Create and customize their own AI tools/Sass startups for various purposes using FormWise
Embed and integrate their AI tools with their...
Hello friends,
I recently had my main PayPal account blocked and unfortunately there is no dispute for this limitation.
I have secondary accounts on PayPal that have high values however i need to withdraw this money to my local bank but my main paypal account has been blocked total.
I've already...
This guy I know has been a jerk to my friends and I for awhile and I wanted to get revenge on him by taking down his Minecraft server. It's just one he's made and plays with friends but I think it will be awesome to watch it crash everytime he's online.