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  1. P

    Ticket System in PHP - #5 Ticket Processing

    Introduction: This tutorial is the final part in my ticket system via PHP tutorial. This part will be covering processing the ticket. Ticket Information: We are already sending the email to the entered 'forgot password' reset form containing the ticket ID. This ticket ID links to the customer...
  2. P

    AngularJS Select - Dynamically add Options using PHP/MySQLi

    Getting Started I've used CDN for Bootstrap and Angular JS in this tutorial so you need internet connection for them to work. Creating our Database First, we're gonna create our database. 1. Open phpMyAdmin. 2. Click databases, create a database and name it as angular. 3. After creating a...
  3. P

    Dark and Light Mode Toggle Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code

    Welcome to the Dark and Light Mode Toggle project, a simple yet powerful solution to enhance your web browsing experience. This project allows users to seamlessly switch between two visually distinct themes—dark mode and light mode—providing a more personalized and comfortable viewing...
  4. P

    EUW 1k hits none cheked

    Mexher:ahtas123 iArka24:catalunya1 derfeger76:pesuri0815 iFletch:hello6 vyckioks:narutas123 doctorkyle:redfoot66 iCRoNICaL:Fabian24 dodgyviper:Carr0t huhuna11:lowelowe66 iDrake97:uncharted7 dotSilver:Chatroom22 iGo4Pie:m0rr0wind iMaa1337:123qwe123 hoggydoggy:rathu123 iRens:franny1...
  5. P

    New combolist all regions accounts lvl30 with rp

    download all combolists here ====> https://www.up-4ever.com/rq44iss3yubw https://www.up-4ever.com/st5kh621g4kh https://www.up-4ever.com/4td54yhyuhkz https://www.up-4ever.com/x2yhzfxawykj https://www.up-4ever.com/jcxjb9z8y1ux if you don't know how to download see this video ===>...
  6. P

    [NA] lvl29 0 champs and skins

    Say thx to Deger and his UNVEREFIED
  7. P

    Germany Amazon refund

    X Edited by gpower, 15 April 2022 - 10:56 AM.
  8. P


    Link: *** No permission to see content *** No leechers,helpers appreciated. Tell me feedback on this, and report leechers
  9. P

    Robux capture

    can anyone send me link for any robux capture ??
  10. P


    Hey guys Does anyone have a working config for bol.com + zalando openbullet/sv? Thanks in advance! Best regards
  11. P

    [HQ] Steam Accounts Checker V0.4

    Very Fast && Great DL: https://ufile.io/7bifv8dk VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/OTFjYmU5MTNhMTM4OTNkNWY2YjJlYjkwZWIxYzNjNzQ6MTU3MzY1MjQyOQ==/detection
  12. P


    This tutorial will show you how to get AUTO-UPDATINGproxies for OpenBullet! Advantages: ~Can leave checkers running for a longer period of time this way ~ ~Won't need to constantly manually update proxies ~ *Keep in mind the proxies in this tutorial are free and public proxies from Proxyscrape...
  13. P

    Others RUSSIAN PORN 18-21 y/o ONLYFANS

    Связь: *** No permission to see content *** [Вставьте свой контент здесь. Удалите эту строку и одну ниже!] [НЕ ВСТАВЛЯЙТЕ СОДЕРЖИМОЕ ВЫШЕ ИЛИ НИЖЕ ОТВЕТНЫХ ЦИТАТ] [/ОТВЕЧАТЬ]
  14. P


    made for silver bullet by converted to OB2 with permission. WEBSITE - https://goproxies.com/ API - YES BOTS - 50-100 CAPTCHA - NO CAPTURE - YES COMBO - EMAIL:PASS CPM - 500+ PROXIES - YES *** No permission to see content ***
  15. P

    Ok so ur stuck posting on forums and ur poor and wanna make money online. ur first 1K

    look i am not a guru on a yt add but i made allot of money on here and i just wanted to share some tips its not gonna be like download my ebook etc no. 1st so ur most likely posting to cto constantly getting that godlike / heaven and once u finally hit it it hits you a waste of time. stop this...
  16. P

    Magnus Carlsen Singing His Rap Song!



