In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an Autocomplete with suggestions input using PHP, Vue (Vue.js), and MySQL Database. The tutorial aims to provide IT/CS students or new programmers a reference for improving their web applications' client-side functionalities using Vue...
Here’s an Online Student Management System that will surely help a school in managing and keep track of the information of every student. Compared to a manual that needs a lot of time in managing the information in a spreadsheet, this system can save you a lot of time and it will do all the work...
hits with 0 bal goto custom
need fa to withdraw unless u find a method - if u find one let me know i have maybe 11k$ worth of accs
After using Clashbot 7.9.0 for a day, everything ran smoothly till it decided not to work with an error btn_endorsurrender . I tried many way to fix it but still not work.
Finally I found a way for it to work for me
Since you have the same problem, you wont be able to close clashboot by the...