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  1. K

    Using OLEDB in Connecting Database to MS Access(with Database Password)

    Hello Guys.. i uploaded this code to help other programmers to saved more space in codings.. when it comes in connecting the database.. For me,this kind of coding is more easy way than others,b'coz, you can call the connection in evry form load event with a single line code,ohhh.. i mean two...
  2. K

    Folder lock App

    This Software is Done by Nirbhay Pratap Singh using Fro Folder lock or this application develope on vb.net 2008 and this is my first Application my career file hide etc use:nirbhay password: Babu Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file...
  3. K

    JavaScript - Simple Copy Array To Other Array

    In this tutorial we will create a Simple Copy Array To Other Array using JavaScript. This code will automatically copy an array list to a newly created array when user click the copy button. The code use onclick() to initiate a method that can copy an array list to other array by the using dot...
  4. K

    Automatic Online Examination System

    The program is demonstration features like use of javascript timer, phpand mysql database adding,deleting,modifying records. in the examination module, the exam is closed once the time is over. FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME ON +254720372593 OR www.facebook.com/karis.hacker. Note: Due to the size...
  5. K

    A Simple Notepad Application

    Simple Notepad App...This app prnt only one page so i need later post to solve this problem....And how to make it like Notepad just double click text file that it should open......Enjoy With Codinz. Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip...
  6. K

    x385 EUNE accounts

    enjoy kronwall:84k6901 nimpfora:moonlight48 kronwall:84k6901 fuckinggbb:beby123 fortius8871:89600894500a dimithriy:suslik2208 fortius8856:89600894500a shjman:3820cfc fortius8856:89600894500a gloovan:gloovan369 o6pocuk:o6poc1821 lunar8611:12091986a timoxa1203:microlab1203 daimand666:qazqaz1234...
  7. K

    Need help to start with cpa marketing

    can anyone tell me about cpa marketing. is it worth in 2020 . is it profitable . or all are scam
  8. K

    I'm so done lmao

    http://image.prntscr.com/image/49e5240b1f0140038d2874149df7885b.png http://image.prntscr.com/image/bba97345625049c58ad79ff212ff0f10.png http://image.prntscr.com/image/e6eeb8163bab45c8955039a5abc83af3.png please help me continue this link to his thread here ...
  9. K

    Method/Tut Invest In Small Companies And Watch Your Money Grow Overtime ! Make $

    1. Understand the Small-Cap Space Definition: Small-cap companies typically have a market capitalization between $300 million and $2 billion. They are often in growth stages, with higher risk but higher reward potential. Why Small-Caps: These companies can grow exponentially if their products or...
  10. K


    Hi guys i need to play for 1 week i can Elo boost Plat+ Acc's i was master in S5. send me a pvt if u want elo boost for free! im really serious and good player
  11. K

  12. K

    League Of Legends Role Caller / Auto Accepter / Champion Locker

    Role Call - A lightweight, easy to use application, designed for those of you that play normals and always get in fights about roles. The application has been designed to be update proof, this is achieved by enabling users to record click locations for their screen so that it will work for...
  13. K


    Hi all, I m looking for a good bulk sms sender ... need to send like 5- 10 k sms daily.... need it urgent!
  14. K

    best streamer,0views

    http://ww​w.twitch.tv/zjanigt come & follow for free durritos Edited by RepasJ, 07 July 2016 - 08:06 PM.
  15. K

    FREE 191 ACC EUW

  16. K

    elosprint [boosting/selling/coaching]

    Summer Sale! Use code "SUMMER40" to get 40% Off on any boost! Apply at Checkout https://elosprint.com/boosting-soloq/ ] ] http://elosprint.com/%22%5D%5Bimg%5D Edited by elosprint, 21 July 2021 - 08:37 AM.
  17. K

    7 Million combo gaming

    7 Million combo gaming Downlaod : http://www.file-upload.cc/qtuypj7ogcdt For Donate Bitcoins
  18. K

    [UHQ LEAKED] Facebook Config | Tested & Working | Fast CPM

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  19. K

    [.svb] NordVPN by @tomcracks0

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  20. K


    Hi, there have been multiple threads going on, on the leaks section, claims you'll double your btc, refund your btc on g2a and also for CSGO Items. All of it are fakes, and the reviews come from new accounts/ inactive accounts. Let's bump this thread everytime scammer bumps his own so people are...



