This project is entitled Service Provider Management System. It is a web-based application that is built to provide a dynamic website for service provider companies. The project was mainly developed using the PHP Language and MySQL Database. It has a pleasant user interface using Bootstrap...
This simple project is entitled Election Map Site. This is a web-based application project developed in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This simple site provides an online platform where the voters or any individuals can check the electoral votes in a country. The application also helps...
Today I've got you one of my best methods to get verified PayPal.
Never use public VPN for example NordVPN.?
Never use the same name, phone number or IP when creating a stealth PayPal (They will all get linked and if 1 account is limited all your account will go down).
If your account is fully...
What is Winning Digital Strategy
Drivers of a Winning Digital Strategy
How can you formulate and implement Winning Digital Strategies
Building Blocks for a Successful Digitization
Business Strategies driven by Digital- Classical, Adaptive, Visionary, Shaping and Renewal
Digitizing the Core using...
Hello Guys,
I was doing a little experiment involving ClickBank + Reddit and it turned out to be enormously profitable.
The best thing about this method is that it requires zero investment.
Things You Don't Need:
- Website - Hosting
- Domain
- Tracker
- Videos
- Articles
- PPC Ads
- Money...