version: 0.03
Main Features:
Prediction: Big Fat Vanga 1.3
Draws: low Fps
Hitchance: customizable hitcance from 0-4
Combo: qwe with priority on stuns then as second boost w
Harass: harass with w + mana manager
KS: qwer/overkill/multikill ult
Orbwalk: loading option for Big Fat Walk...
I am Back, will be 24 hour uploads only to keep config un-leeched to much as to maintain quality for longer. Do not reply to this as no longer here, keep an eye out for new configs I decide to share thanks.
Edited by JakeAntonStones, 03 November 2017 - 05:17 AM.
So, first of all, I have to say that it is totally free but it involves some work to get
this on autopilot.
1. You go to and register a new account.
2. To let this Auto-Faucet work you need to look at some ads. I personally prefer the polls because you get the...