For this method you will need a small investment of 1usd
now buy this:
After just go on Create account redeem the code & then search for app "Xbox" on your pc (open it).
Lauch it login with your accounts & find "advantage"...
Basically I am looking for people who can infiltrate old email domains like AOL or Yahoo dating back years age (8-16 years)
Anyone interested can make some serious money.
disc -
Im just looking to see if any of the cracking crew has ADHD and uses it as a positive thing? I was diagnoised with it just 2 years ago & just struggle with living with it
Its like my friends think im good at IT & everything, I know the basics of Windows OS, but for some reason I can never...
Virustotal link
so lets say the program even opens up for me. lets say i even get hits, lets say im getting 12,000 a year of hits. or w/e any large amount sum. what would you do? This is what I am thinking you may all call me retarded but hear me out and tell me what you guys think. and this is true you needs a...