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12 PHP Mini-Project Source Codes for Beginners


Reel Monetizer
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S Vouches
LEVEL 1 200 XP

In this blog, I will share some of the PHP Mini-Projects I developed. The purpose of this article is to help students or self-learners to have an actual PHP Project to learn with. The project could be a good start within developing a big scope project, used for practicing enhancing the system to harness their programming capabilities/knowledge, and you might find some useful scripts.

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) Language is an open-source scripting language that is commonly embedded with the HTML markup language. This language is suited especially for web development.

12 PHP Mini-Project Source Codes for Beginners

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System in PHP with Source Code

This is a simple PHP Project entitled Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System. This system provides a certain company an online platform to manage interactions with their customers or potential customers. The system allows the customer/potential customers to request a quotation for the services they selected in the system.


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Customer Support System using PHP/MySQLi with Source Code

The Customer Support System is a simple project that can help a certain business or company that provides customer support after their customer purchased a product from them. In this system, the customer and staff can communicate about the issue or instances that occurred in the purchased product. In this feature, the customer can create a ticket for any problems that occurred to their purchased product then the support staff under the department what did the customer or admin choose to fix the problem.


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Laundry Management System using PHP/MySQL with Source Code

The Laundry Management System is a simple project using PHP/MySQL. This system is focused on daily transactions and processes in a certain laundry shop. The Laundry Management of staff will store all their daily transactions with their customer which is mainly the list of the clients' laundry data.


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Local Offices Contact Directory Site using PHP and SQLite Free Source Code

This is a PHP Project entitled Local Offices Contact Directories Site. This is a simple PHP and SQLite mini-project that serves as an online contact directory of offices for a state or city. The main goal of this web application is to provide information to the public about the local offices including their contact details.


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Online Flight Booking System using PHP/MySQL with Source Code

The Online Flight Booking System is a project that will help the airline ticket booking business provides its clients with an easy way and automated processing system online. This project has 2 sides of the user's restriction, which are the admin and the client/website visitor.


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Online Voting System Project using PHP/MySQL

The Online Voting System is a simple project that represents the Election Voting Process such as school officer elections. The system is easy to use for both admin and voters sides. The admin will manage all the polling data requirements which are the Category (the category will represent the positions), voting list, and the user or the voters.


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Photo Share Website using PHP/MySQL with Source Code

The Photo Share Website is a simple PHP/MySQL project that stores and shares users' uploaded images. This project was inspired by Instagram and Facebook Moments Web Applications. In this project, users of the site can upload multiple numbers of photos and can be shared by all users of the website. These posted images can be multiple like from Instagram Application.


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Simple Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) using PHP and SQLite Free Source Code

This is a Simple PHP Project entitled Simple Onlne Public Access Catalog (OPAC). This is a web-based application that manages a certain school or university's library database of the materials or books in the library. The application provides the student or faculties an online platform where they can browse or search the book they are needed.


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Simple Subscription Website with Admin Panel in PHP and SQLite Source Code

This project is entitled Simple Subscription Website. This is a web-based application that provides companies with possible members to apply to a plan that offers something. This application has an admin panel where the system management can manage all the information can be found on the website.


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Simple Payroll System with Dynamic Tax Bracket in PHP using SQLite Free Source Code

This is a PHP Project entitled Simple Payroll System with Dynamic Tax Bracket. This simple application manages the company's employees' payroll. The system has a dynamic withholding tax bracket that can be managed by the admin user and this data are being fetched when calculating the employee's payslip/paycheck.


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Simple Water Refilling Station Management System in PHP Free Source Code

This is a simple PHP Project entitled Water Refilling Station Management System. This simple project is a web-based application that manages the day-to-day sales transaction of a small water refilling station business. The system is easy to use and has user-friendly functionalities. I created this simple project to help other programmers, especially those new in PHP or those students to learn and understand how to create a simple POS (Point of Sale) System such as this.


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Simple Form Builder Web App using PHP and jQuery with Source Code

This Simple Form Builder Web App has the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) Operation for the form. In creating the form, the user can set the form title, description, multiple questions, and a specific type of choice for the answers to questions. This form builder handles 4 different types of input fields for the type of answers/choices which are the paragraph, file input/upload, checkboxes(multiple choice / can select more than 1 in the choices), and radio button (can select only 1 in the choices).


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All of the PHP Mini-Projects listed above are available on this website and free to download. The projects are mainly developed for educational purposes only.

Related Links:

  • Download Free PHP Project Source Code
  • PHP Tutorial

Explore more on this website for more Free Source Codes and Tutorials.

Enjoy :)




