Anonymity Advisor
400 XP
Ok im fucking pissed off atm about Amazon.
Amazon is the most fucking jewish company i've ever used in my fucking life.
So im gonna tell you my experience with AKA the jews that the holocaust left over. So it all started back 1 month ago , 22 juli to be exact. I've decided to purchase 200€ worth of Giftcards to buy a new tv to refund or double dip and some other shady jewish shit i use to do. So i ordered the TV , went to bed. And got this fucking E-mail.
So i had to fax my fucking ID and proof of my fucking adress. So one of the biggest companies in the world is still using a fax that's invented in fucking 1843. So i faxed my shit to them jews. 3 days later i did not get any reponse , so i called them up to tell them to fucking hurry up. They said the would fix it ASAP. From that on i called them 15x till now. I got the same answer everytime.
''We will transfer your case to the department that unlocks accounts and you will get an answer back within 3 days''
So it's 1 month later - still no answer form those fucking retards. i even got this retarded email
This e-mail was sent on 1 AUGUSTUS.
So they where handeling cases from 13th juli. Thats a fucking 2 week delay. I knew indians could do nothing , but atleast solve more fucking cases.
Also i called with a female
Amazon is the most fucking jewish company i've ever used in my fucking life.
So im gonna tell you my experience with AKA the jews that the holocaust left over. So it all started back 1 month ago , 22 juli to be exact. I've decided to purchase 200€ worth of Giftcards to buy a new tv to refund or double dip and some other shady jewish shit i use to do. So i ordered the TV , went to bed. And got this fucking E-mail.
So i had to fax my fucking ID and proof of my fucking adress. So one of the biggest companies in the world is still using a fax that's invented in fucking 1843. So i faxed my shit to them jews. 3 days later i did not get any reponse , so i called them up to tell them to fucking hurry up. They said the would fix it ASAP. From that on i called them 15x till now. I got the same answer everytime.
''We will transfer your case to the department that unlocks accounts and you will get an answer back within 3 days''
So it's 1 month later - still no answer form those fucking retards. i even got this retarded email
This e-mail was sent on 1 AUGUSTUS.
So they where handeling cases from 13th juli. Thats a fucking 2 week delay. I knew indians could do nothing , but atleast solve more fucking cases.
Also i called with a female