Code Instrumentation Expert
400 XP
Hey, junkibraut here. I have been playing League of Legends for over three years now and pretty much bypassed almost any banwave.
A lots of people asked me how it is possible that they get called out, reported and finally banned while I keep playing with sunglasses on.
This is the formula, or as I call it, the HAWK-Technique.
Dont look like a scripter. A sentence which probably sounds weird in the first case, but is easy to realize.
Make use of the humanizer/tick settings in the Orbwalker
Having 300 clicks per second on client-side might be a bit obvious to Riot. A perfect orbwalking Kalista is almost as obvious as a scripting Katarina.
Make sure to check the 'Paranoid Mode', having a decent hold radius and a delay between movement.
Do not use rough evade settings
-> Do not use autoflash. Yes, you heard me right. It might save you in some games and destroy hundreds of others due to your ban. Flash by yourself.
-> Do not dodge every spell. There is no need to dodge every single Karthus Q or AD Ezreal W. Evade Addons provide settings to disable evading certain skillshots.
-> Set 'Dodge only Dangerous' to your combo key. Dodging every skillshot in a teamfight while performing a perfect combo? Nothing more suspicious than that.
-> Make use of the Misc and Humanizer settings in the Evade menu. Set your evade mode to very smooth. Limit ticks, add reaction time, add detection time, add dodge interval. etc.
Do not use combo addons without delay
-> The glorious Katarina Addons pentakilling the enemies in less than a second. Dont expect to stay unbanned if you use them. Most Addon developers nowadays provide delay settings.
-> If the first skillshot is not delayable, do not enter a brush while holding spacebar as you will immediately do your combo when the enemy is in sight.
-> Turn around. Do not use Addons that fire skillshots from the back (the most known one is Cassiopeia shooting her E backwards while moving forwards.
Do not use the high hit-chance prediction
Hitting every Nidalee Q might get you into some trouble and we do not want to draw unnecessary attention.
If you are good.. farm by yourself, use skillshots by yourself, harass by yourself
-> From time to time playing on your own might help too, especially cause you dont get rusty. Just make sure the gap between the addon and your skill isnt too huge.
Assume. are the enemy. Were your actions obvious? Would you call yourself out if you were the enemy? Turn the case around, empathize with the enemy.
This is everything thats needed to be said, this little trick helps you to develop a feeling about what others find obvious or not. 'Assume' can be replaced with 'experience' too.
Also, never activate a addon and use it without checking the settings first. Most humanizing settings need to be set first. Think before you play.
This rule is without doubt the most annoying and almost noone will ever stick to it. But due to my experience with banwaves I can assure you that waiting some days after a patch was released is the best way to keep your account safe. The EloBuddy staff is experienced, smart and I definitely trust them a lot, but just like in real life, even the greatest can make mistakes. It is way safer to wait for some days, having a look at the forum, especially about ban cases, and THEN start to addon again.
Keep silent.
A rule that has been told to you a lot of times. Shut the fuck up.
Do not talk about addons ingame
Do not talk about them in champ select
Do not talk about them after the game
Just as soon as you are opening league act like someone who has never even heard about cheats at all.
Do not reply if you get called out. No sentence, no words, no smiley.
​Thanks for reading.
A lots of people asked me how it is possible that they get called out, reported and finally banned while I keep playing with sunglasses on.
This is the formula, or as I call it, the HAWK-Technique.
Dont look like a scripter. A sentence which probably sounds weird in the first case, but is easy to realize.
Make use of the humanizer/tick settings in the Orbwalker
Having 300 clicks per second on client-side might be a bit obvious to Riot. A perfect orbwalking Kalista is almost as obvious as a scripting Katarina.
Make sure to check the 'Paranoid Mode', having a decent hold radius and a delay between movement.
Do not use rough evade settings
-> Do not use autoflash. Yes, you heard me right. It might save you in some games and destroy hundreds of others due to your ban. Flash by yourself.
-> Do not dodge every spell. There is no need to dodge every single Karthus Q or AD Ezreal W. Evade Addons provide settings to disable evading certain skillshots.
-> Set 'Dodge only Dangerous' to your combo key. Dodging every skillshot in a teamfight while performing a perfect combo? Nothing more suspicious than that.
-> Make use of the Misc and Humanizer settings in the Evade menu. Set your evade mode to very smooth. Limit ticks, add reaction time, add detection time, add dodge interval. etc.
Do not use combo addons without delay
-> The glorious Katarina Addons pentakilling the enemies in less than a second. Dont expect to stay unbanned if you use them. Most Addon developers nowadays provide delay settings.
-> If the first skillshot is not delayable, do not enter a brush while holding spacebar as you will immediately do your combo when the enemy is in sight.
-> Turn around. Do not use Addons that fire skillshots from the back (the most known one is Cassiopeia shooting her E backwards while moving forwards.
Do not use the high hit-chance prediction
Hitting every Nidalee Q might get you into some trouble and we do not want to draw unnecessary attention.
If you are good.. farm by yourself, use skillshots by yourself, harass by yourself
-> From time to time playing on your own might help too, especially cause you dont get rusty. Just make sure the gap between the addon and your skill isnt too huge.
Assume. are the enemy. Were your actions obvious? Would you call yourself out if you were the enemy? Turn the case around, empathize with the enemy.
This is everything thats needed to be said, this little trick helps you to develop a feeling about what others find obvious or not. 'Assume' can be replaced with 'experience' too.
Also, never activate a addon and use it without checking the settings first. Most humanizing settings need to be set first. Think before you play.
This rule is without doubt the most annoying and almost noone will ever stick to it. But due to my experience with banwaves I can assure you that waiting some days after a patch was released is the best way to keep your account safe. The EloBuddy staff is experienced, smart and I definitely trust them a lot, but just like in real life, even the greatest can make mistakes. It is way safer to wait for some days, having a look at the forum, especially about ban cases, and THEN start to addon again.
Keep silent.
A rule that has been told to you a lot of times. Shut the fuck up.
Do not talk about addons ingame
Do not talk about them in champ select
Do not talk about them after the game
Just as soon as you are opening league act like someone who has never even heard about cheats at all.
Do not reply if you get called out. No sentence, no words, no smiley.
​Thanks for reading.