High-Ticket Closer
400 XP
Researchers at Southamton University in the UK have developed the technique of storing data digitally using laser light.
360 terabytes of information can fit on one sliver of nanostructured quartz.
With this tech, we can store literally the whole of human history.
And withstands up to 157 degrees Celsius
The technique uses femtosecond laser pulses to write data in the 3D structure of quartz at the nanoscale.
The pulses create three layers of nanostructred dots, each just microns above the other.
The changes in the structure can be read by interrogating the sample with another pulse of light and recording the orientation of the waves after they’ve passed through.
360 terabytes of information can fit on one sliver of nanostructured quartz.
With this tech, we can store literally the whole of human history.
And withstands up to 157 degrees Celsius
The technique uses femtosecond laser pulses to write data in the 3D structure of quartz at the nanoscale.
The pulses create three layers of nanostructred dots, each just microns above the other.
The changes in the structure can be read by interrogating the sample with another pulse of light and recording the orientation of the waves after they’ve passed through.