Anime Streaming Specialist
200 XP
I logged into the wonderful game of League Of Legends aspiring to activate my League Card, as I activated my card I pondered what purchases I could perform and went with Muay Thai Lee Sin and Shadow Evelynn as options to buy. I then looked to the upper right of my screen to find a hefty amount of RP still available, being exactly 1346 RP. How excited I was to search for a beautiful skin to take under my wing and showcase in the rift and make all my friends jealous of, finally after minutes of searching I knew what skin I wanted... Super Galaxy Nidalee, the majestic fluorescent skin called to me it was awaiting to be apart of my collection. Tragedy struck, "not enough RP" the game informed me, I thought to myself "how could this be?" I then was devastated to realize that I was a mere RP away from purchasing such a beautiful skin. Why me God? surely someone in this cruel world would aid me in this time of crisis. This is me a summoner of League Of Legends begging for a small donation of RP, you must have sympathy within your hearts with your free stuff at your accs, i saw a lot this days...i wanna some skins too. pls help one pour child. Don`t be mad at me, just asking for help.
Best wishes!
Gorianall summoner name
Best wishes!
Gorianall summoner name