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[The Truth] How to make money online [My 3 years experience]


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I'm there to explain you all the different ways to make money online. It's completely the truth. I won't lie you, I'll give you my 3 years experience searching ways to get money online. It's a big post, so just get time and read it. You will change your mentality
  • Google Adsense: The most common example are Youtubers. PewDewPie earns a lot of money with Google Adsense, but Youtube isn't the only way to get a lot of money from Adsense. Some people is earning the same money or more than PewDiePie with his websites having Google Adsense. They usually get a word that a lot of people search for it on Google, and they make a webpage focused on that word(or phrase). Everytime you search that phrase will appear his site, and some of the people clicks on their banners from Google Adsense. They have 10 or 20 websites and they are earning the same or a lot more than Youtubers withouth showing the face. For this you need to know about SEO and Making decent websites.
  • CPA: The typical site you arrive when you are trying to download something at it requires you to "make a test", "put your number" or you install a program (Adware). Per test/download or number you give, the author of that "scam" gets like 1$ up to 50$. Imagine if every day 50 people arrives into that, the author earns a lot with it.
    For this you need to know about SEO and Making decent websites.
  • Marketing Affiliates: Didn't you see a lot of webpages selling you someshit and it cost 50$? The real price of that book is 2$ and some people(desesperate) buy it for 50$. The most common is: "How to get your .... larger", "How to win 10000$ in 2 minutes", "How to lose weight in 150 seconds"....
    For this you need to know about SEO and Making decent websites.
  • Selling your talent: Programming a script, writting a post, doing a website design...(you undersand me) an example of the different things you can offer is: https://fiverr.com/ but usually "pro" people use more the forums than fiverr.
    For this you need to be good at something that people needs.
  • Forex and binary options: Buying some actions and sell them when it cost x2(forex) or telling if it will go up or down(binary options). If you are good predicting you can win a lot of money with it.
    You can do good money with Binary Options withouth having knowledge with http://etoro.tw/1LIIswK - www.eToro.com
    You only need to copy the best traders(The traders win money so more copiers they have, so they will try to do their best to win money so you as copier win money and he wins also money x2: Having you as copier and the % they won doing trades)
    You can test for free and win real money also if you want. Just take a look:
    For this you need to be good at predicting, or at least good on chosing one good trader(if you are into eToro)
  • Betting Tennis, Football, eSports...: If your choices are right you win a money with it. I include into this also poker and some things more which requires skill+luck to win. If your predictions are usually right, why wouldn't you test it? It gives a lot of sites where you can do it for fun and win prizes and some money (Obviously not so much as if you do it with real money, but it's free and they get money just by advertisment on their sites)
    You can try your skill in different websites. Take some look:
    Someone said about Poker(you can also take it for betting): 1 day on Poker requires 90% luck and 10% skill. 1 year on poker requires 90% skill and 10% luck.
    For this you need to be a good analist to know what team haves more chances to win. But as said, it haves 10% luck.
  • PTC's and things like that: You win 0,01$ per click. It's sad. Therefore I personally don't recommend PTC's if you don't have one of two: Inversion or Referrals.
  • RevShare websites: Websites that shares their profit with you. It's like 6 and 7, either they share nearly all with you. I personally recommend this, since I'm also on it. I'll explain later about that
As you see, it gives a lot of ways of making money in Internet. The things I listed before are the ways in my opinion are working fine. But I'm sure it gives more ways that I said.
Personally I'm using the options: 1,3,5,6,7 and 8.
At 1:
I have some websites what in some niches where the people looks for. It requires a bit of Investment or knowledge of SEO
Currently, my best website is giving me 100$/month and some others like 30$/month from Google Adsense
But that requires investment (minimun 10$)
What I did :
- Buy a domain on Goddady for 10$.
- Get a host 3$/month (you can get it cheaper or and will work anyways, so not important if not a lot of visitors)
- I bought articles for 2$ each. Starting with 10. And currently posting 1 per week. 20$ start + 8$/month.
- I paid for SEO(positioning) my website for 100$.
So... I paid initially 130$ and currently paying 11$/month for that website and I'm winning 100$/month with the website.
(The host I use in other sites so it's not exactly 11$, since the 3$ host I'm using in 5 sites)
So balance of the site: 89$/month. That's not the point, the point is that you will need to invest if you want to get something working with Google Adsense. If you write yourself all your articles and you learn SEO by yourself, you can start with 10$ and not with 130$ like me(but I had no time to write myself the articles + positioning website)
At 3:
In 2 of my 5 websites I promote some eBooks to sell them, and sometimes someone buys them. For each eBook sold I win a good amount of money.
At 5:
I'm personally just on eToro copying some nice traders. They are making me each month like 5-10% of profit on my money invested (much better than a bank)
At 6:
I don't usually win a lot with it. Since I'm not a "pro". But usually every month I can get like 50$ by betting, but as said, Im not a bet guru (Bet gurus can win 1k-5k or even more)
At 7:
In some PTC like Neobux you need or referrals or ivnesting for rented refferalls. I'm personally doing it. I invested in some PTC's and they are giving me money each month. But the thing is that I need to click every day some clicks in each site. If you fail a day can cost you to loose money.
At 8:
My prefered way:
This is now one of my preferred ways to win money, but you will also need to invest on it. One of the site I use it's a bot of poker which gives me 15% of my invested money every month. I explained it there
The only way to win money is making your money to make more money
If you have any question just send me MP I'll answer you.
Don't lose anymore time doing stupid clicks to get 2 pennies. Invest a bit and reinvest with your earning and so more, you will get a good amount by reinvesting, trust me.



