Humor Tactician
500 XP
Hey Summoners!
Today i wanted to share some Tips and Tricks with Nulled members. Enjoy
Today i wanted to share some Tips and Tricks with Nulled members. Enjoy
- As Annie If you have 3 stacks from your passive, you can activate your Q and while the Q is still in mid-air you can activate your E. So you have 4 stacks (your stun) when your Q lands, and then it'll stun. It's a nice way to surprise your enemies.
- As Akali The best way to deal damage is to throw one Q and then wait for the cooldown to refresh THEN ult in. The first Q has a longer expiry time than the cooldown, allowing you to double proc the Q. This combined with shroud will let you get at least 3 Q's down.
- As Singed or Alistar You can AA an enemy that you just flipped/kicked while he is in air by atacking them while flipping/kicking. Free dmg especially if you have sheen or something similar.
- As Lee Sin You can flash mid animation with his kick and it will kick from where you flashed.
- As Nidalee You can easily scout lane bushes and even tribush wards as well as random Shaco/Twitch/Evelynn players by catching your opponents into your Bushwacks. It works like this: every time your opponent steps into a trap, he gets revealed for 12 seconds. When he walks near an invisible ally or a ward, that revealing "aura" near him (its range is not more than 200, though) shows you that ally. But remember that those things get revealed only for a half of second because of very little revealing range. Same trick works on Dragon (worked a few months ago, at least) — Bushwack Dragon, kite him to the edge of his "cave" and you'll reveal a ward that commonly gets placed there.
- As Twitch You can press Q and then start to recall. The recall and stealth animation will play at the same time, and when you are in stealth since you haven't created a new action to break stealth, you will recall invisibly.
- As Ezreal Every ultimate hit decreases its damage by 8%.
- As Yasuo Yasuo can Q during hit ult animation.
- As Janna A great way of getting an early lvl 6 kill is to wait until you're very pushed. Then flash right behind the enemies and ulti. That should push enemies straight into your tower and do a lot of damage if done correctly.
- As Janna When you are running away aim the tornado to where you are headed this will usually make the chaser try to move out of the way gaining some distance and for a longer knockup allowing you to escape.
- As Riven Your third Q can jump some walls. (Wall near white camp for example)
- As Kha'Zix His passive is actually a ward scout. If you are laning mid, and your passive (Unseen Threat) is on on cooldown, you generally want to walk into a bush on either side. If the bushes are warded, your passive will not activate, because you are not "Unseen". If you can't activate your passive, it means there is a ward, and should notify your jungler.
- As Diana Her ult will still reset even if q lands on the target after you land. (i.e, you throw your q and ult immediately after onto a target after which they get hit by q)
- As Jarvan IV If you're coming to gank a lane and see your ally killing his enemy before your arrival, don't hesitate to throw the Standard, since the assist range on it is deceptively high (it gives your allies an AS buff)
- As Ahri and some other champs too You can throw your e behind a creep then flash in front of the creep and your e will not hit the minion and go the full distance from your position after flash. (Much like pre-"fix" where thresh could cast his q, then flash in front of the creep and the hook would go full distance from his position. THIS WAS FIXED ONLY ON THRESH)
- As Ahri You can Q the wraiths over the wall to stack your passive.
- As Yorick You should buy Captain boots. Since the ghouls run faster then.
- As Katarina You can kill a fresh ward by auto attacking it, shunpo'ing on it to reveal it and continuing to autoattack.
- As Zed Your ult can dogde almost everything if timed correctly(P.e. Fizz Ult/Karthus Ult/Caitlyn Ult..)
- As Leona You can AA - Q (for reset) - AA to kill a ward. Stand in bot lane bushes and wait for it to be placed.
- As Renekton Your Ruthless Predator (W) also takes out 2 hp bars on a green ward. Also, with 50 fury,your W (ruthless predator) instantly kills green wards since it counts as 3 basic attacks.
- As Blitzcrank Blitzcrank's Q and R both have a 1.0 AP ratio making AP Blitzcrank do suprisingly high amounts of burst damage.
- As Blitzcrank When playing as Blitzcrank as a support. Try to get an adc like Jinx or Caitlyn. You want an adc with traps. Stand on top of that placed trap and pull the enemy straight to it. Then wait until the trap duration is finished and then E. You should get a good 3 seconds where the enemy can do nothing but sit there.
- As Irelia Use your Q Reset not only to farm easier, also to zone people, if an enemy creep is next to the enemy, you can Q to it, kill it, get the Reset, Stun the enemy with E, attack, and insta Q for maximum dmg(aa reset).
- As Irelia Use your ultimate to shred minions to low hp, so you can get a reset and chase/escape, use it to dodge area effects like cho gath Q, or to get distance of morgana ulti.
- As Orianna Throw a shield onto a Shaco. Then when the Shaco goes invisible, the shield will go invisible as well. You can use this perfectly place your ulti. This will give them little to no time to react.
- As Shyvana Your Twin Bite (Q) takes out 2 bars on a green ward.
- As Shaco His ulti can dodge almost every ulti by using his ultimate in perfect time. As soon as the enemy ulti hits, hit R and shaco will be unaffected for about 0.5 seconds.
- As Syndra You can pick up Heimer's turrets. This isn't so great now because they die when you throw them out of range but if you throw them into you turret you can get rid of them very easily. This is especially useful if he uses his ult to make a large turret.
- As Syndra against a Jarvan IV You can move an enemy Jarvan flag by Syndra's Q+E combo.
- As Thresh You can put your lantern on a friendly minion so the enemy can't attack it.
- As Thresh You can do any ability after you grabbed someone, before you dash to them. For example you can Q>W>Q So that you'll stun>throwlantern>dash.
- Against a Thresh When the enemy Thresh throws a lantern to his friend, and you're next to it - you can ward in the center of it, so it gets very difficult to click.
- As Trundle against Jarvan IV If Jarvan IV ults you, you can escape by pushing yourself out with trundle's pillar.
- As Lucian you can recall while casting the culling.
- As a Jungler You can smite while recalling, it won't interrupt your recall.
- As any champ GA doesnt pop if you die by fountain. Might be good in lategame.
- As any champ If you have 3 wards placed and are about to place a 4th one, the one that will disappear will be marked with a red cross on the minimap. Also if you klick the sightstone/ward you'll notice that the wards are numbered.
- As any champ You can ping an enemy LeBlanc before she goes into passive. When she gets out of invisibility, the ping mark will stay over the real LeBlanc. This also works with Wukong and Shaco.
- As any champ who has TP You can teleport to: Turrets, Minions, Wards, Teemo Shrooms, Jarvan's flag, Thresh's Lantern, Annie's Tibbers, Elise's Spiderlings, Zac's Blobs, Shaco's Boxes, Heimerdinger's Turrets, Malzahar's Voidling, Yorick Gouls and Zyra's Plants (Even her seeds)
- General tip You can use /note to write notes while in game, the directory to locate your notes is(or should be) C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\rads\solutions\lol_game_client_sln\releases\
- General tip There is a "MUTE" button that blocks a person from talking to you, you can find it by pressing "TAB" and clicking the icon at the end of their names. Very useful when you are getting flamed. Mute also works on enemys that spam /laugh. This is espicially usefull when playing against someone with an annoying laugh (ie Lux).
- General tip:Green Dot next to a your teammates avatar means their ult is up.