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Figured out a way to get onto KR server without actually downloading the client itself. Thought this may be useful for those of you who have want to play on KR and don't want to go through the pain of actually downloading the client outside of Korea since it takes forever. To actually play on KR, you need an account which you can only make if you're a Korean citizen since it requires you to verify your phone number to make the account or you can obtain one from external sources.
Step 1: Download this file :
Step 2: Navigate to your LoL folder and go to projects. This is usually located at C:\Riot Games\RADS\projects, but depends on where you installed League.
Step 3: Select any lol_air_client_config_xxxxx (x=server). You will be replacing a file by going to releases\0.0.0.xx\deploy and replacing the with the one that you have downloaded.
*NOTE You will not be able to log into that server with that server's respective accounts meaning that you cannot log into accounts that were made for the server that you replaced.*
So for example if I were to replace EUNE, I would go to C:\Riot Games\RADS\projects\lol_air_client_config_eune\releases\ and replace the file in there with the file that was downloaded. I then select EUNE and log in normally, but now I am unable to log in with an EUNE account. However, now you are able to log in with a KR account and get on the actual KR server.
Step 4: Open your launcher and select the server you have replaced and login with your KR account.
After that, you should be set. Enjoy!
Edited by bimluv, 25 October 2015 - 12:35 PM.
Step 1: Download this file :
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view the hidden content.
Step 3: Select any lol_air_client_config_xxxxx (x=server). You will be replacing a file by going to releases\0.0.0.xx\deploy and replacing the with the one that you have downloaded.
*NOTE You will not be able to log into that server with that server's respective accounts meaning that you cannot log into accounts that were made for the server that you replaced.*
So for example if I were to replace EUNE, I would go to C:\Riot Games\RADS\projects\lol_air_client_config_eune\releases\ and replace the file in there with the file that was downloaded. I then select EUNE and log in normally, but now I am unable to log in with an EUNE account. However, now you are able to log in with a KR account and get on the actual KR server.
Step 4: Open your launcher and select the server you have replaced and login with your KR account.
After that, you should be set. Enjoy!
Edited by bimluv, 25 October 2015 - 12:35 PM.