Red Team Lead
400 XP
I coded a Discord Bot to get the Discord Developer badge which is given when you reach 100 servers where your bot is present.
Today I purpose to you to add the bot on your servers even if they have only 10 members to reach the 100 servers count.
I will add in the developer team all people who will invite the bot on more than 5 serveurs.
Please don't boost, serveur with 1 or 3 members are not accepted
The bot is open-source & under MIT license :
Invite link : https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=740654898089296014&scope=bot&permissions=8
I am actually at 41 servers, help me !
Proof me on Discord that you invited the bot on more than 5 servers : Vergogne#0667
I coded a Discord Bot to get the Discord Developer badge which is given when you reach 100 servers where your bot is present.
Today I purpose to you to add the bot on your servers even if they have only 10 members to reach the 100 servers count.
I will add in the developer team all people who will invite the bot on more than 5 serveurs.
Please don't boost, serveur with 1 or 3 members are not accepted
The bot is open-source & under MIT license :
You must upgrade your account or reply in the thread to view hidden text.
I am actually at 41 servers, help me !
Proof me on Discord that you invited the bot on more than 5 servers : Vergogne#0667