Organic Growth Hacker
400 XP
Well, I realized that the competitive level lol and the number of players is growing, and most players who start playing means are lost, for they know not what to do to build that champion, which are objective and etc. Therefore I will try to help the most and write a series of guides to help the community to increase the competitive level, criticisms are welcome and guides in this series I will write about everything: roles, champions, strategies and etc. Today I will write about the jungle. I hope you enjoy. Some comments on the jungle: The jungle is the most dynamic role of the league. It is the lane that makes a game lol so imprevisivo. Think, imagine that the jungle had not lol. The games would be defined already in picks because one would counterar the other in the lane and that's it. This is where you enter the jungle; the jungle progresses certain parts of the game and other delays being always benefit the team. The Jungle poe many picks out of the question. Ex: Lux top, and others. Champions viable jungle: Aatrox List Amumu Chogath Diana Dr. Mundo Elise Evelynn Fiddlesticks Hecarim Jarvan IV Jax Kha Zix Lee sin Maokai Malphite Nautilus Nasus Nocturne Nunu Olaf Rammus Rengar Sejuani Shaco Shen Shyvanna Skarner Trundle Tryndamere Twitch Udyr Saw Volibear Warwick Xin zhao Zac The jungle is very complex to play for beginners. I will try to make it explained and if they do not understand you can leave questions in the comments that I answer. Champion that I start doing jungle? As I already pharma jungle? As gank? That build I do? And buffs? Times of the jungle? Jungle in the 2x1 lane. Counter-Jungle. Control objectives? Wards? Runes, spells and talents? 1.The champion: I suggest to people that do not have the slightest idea of ​​how to make jungle, buy warwick and play a game, just to fix what I will explain in this guide. It is the easiest jungle to play, and the lvl 6 gank it ensures the kills. The bad warwick is that it is useless without his ult, so after warwick, the zhao xin is good because it is easy to play and gank it is very strong, making him be more convenient to carry matches. 2. The farm: Route: Blue> Spectra> Red> Gank. Start in blue. Ask a leash to his teammates and the end use the smite. Farme spectra and soon after the red buff. When making the red buff, into the brush beside the red to see if there's someone there that can steal your buff, if there are several things you can do which I will explain later, but if you do not have anyone like most cases from there you can already gank. After a few ganks, return the base and close the spiritual rock or madred, and a boot. If you can grab a pink ward and some life potions. Put on Brush pink behind the red, because then you can have the vision jungler invade your enemy jungle. After only farme, look at the lanes that are drawn pro opponent and ganke. it's simple. Always pay attention to your level, you always have to stay at the same level that the adc and jungle inimigo.Se is behind, come back to jungle and farme. 3.Gankar: By then it gets a little complicated. If you are a beginner in the jungle, ganke only when the lane of the guys on your team are well indented. Ganke always the Brushes and behind the enemy. Gank routes in the photo below: Photograph: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-drTD6mP4agI/USYJOG7uWgI/AAAAAAAAAE4/gx12XSZn-jc/s640/2jfx5vl.png It is simple but tricky: gank. The jungle is something you will just start playing well in practice. 4.Build Buildar know being in the jungle is a cruel doubt that plagues many people. Well, the build ranging from champion to champion, but you can not help but make one of the four items of the jungle. They are: Spirit of the Ancient Golem Spirit of Lizard Elder Spectral spirit of the Apparition Lantern Wriggle If you do not know which of the four pro do your champion, I recommend the golem elder. For most Junglers are tankers or tankers and off-hp falls well for everyone. But will a basic tutorial: Make the spirit of ancestral spectrum when you are playing with a jungle or a more offensive after application in an off-tank ap, like Diana, Gragas, Elise or Nunu. Make the Ancient Lizard, when you're playing with some killer AD or some requested more offensive in an off-tank AD. Type hecarim, khazix and saw. The spirit of the ancient Golem is the item that you will do in most Junglers. Looks good on all but the Junglers killers and apc (khazix, diana, Gragas) Do not forget to farm 80 gold the item liabilities gives you. It does accumulate much gold. The flashlight is an item for those who will only to farm and to counter jungle. With its liabilities that are accumulating more gold than other items and to farm faster will only make you pay for it. It is an item that cancels the early game of the jungle, because only the atk speed and some armor. But in the mid-late game grows too because you will have more items and level the enemy jungle. In my opinion is a weak item, for the good of the jungle is your map of pressure. Avoid doing it. Item after item of the jungle depends on which champion you are. If you are off-tanker or tank make a medallion iron solari. Gives 300 hp and armor to you and 20 magic resistance and regeneration hp for you and for the team. Outside the asset that gives escudinho to all members of the team. But if you need immediate tanking make your core items soon. If another class without tank or off-tank do your normal build. 5.Buffs This part is simple. According to the blue (born by 7:20) gets the mid (or top if the mid do not need) and the third or fourth red gets the adc. When born just let him catch. Red is very important to you gank, because of the slow and the actual damage, so whenever you are with the red try gank as many lanes as possible. Each buff takes five minutes to be born. Jungle of 5.1.Tempos: Baron: 7 minutes Dragon: 6 minutes red and blue: 5 minutes Other mobs of the jungle: 1 minute Always write down the chat when you have finished making a buff or a global objective (drag or baron), so that you will be there when it is born and prevent the enemy team does. 6.Lanes 2x1: When your team reverse lanes (adc and support vs top) you have the following options: 1.Ajudar their top lane (leaving the lane 2x2). 2.Forçar the 2x1 lane of their time (leaving the lane 3-1). 3.Acompanhar the jungle enemy (leaving the lane 3x2 or 2x3). 4.Counter Jungle. 1. Your top lane may lose a tower and / or run out of some farm in the match in a 2x1 lane and so why not help it? When help it is important to take a zoning in adc pro enemies and support your top to farm and then exit. If they stay giving soup can go up (depending on the situation of course, who is the top of which you are jg etc.) Holding the first wave of minions at the top you can prevent the tower is destroyed very early and still give xp pro farm and its top which is quite difficult to achieve without their help. On the other hand the map of pressure decrease much with you on top. leaving the jungle free enemy to steal your jungle or gank other lanes without the risk of counter gank (When a jungle and jungle enemy Ganka Ganka together in the same lane). 2. If you decide to help your lane bots, you must give dive in the top laner enemy or just get it out of the tower. Then you will have enough space to hit the enemy tower and destroy too early, giving advantage in gold and map control for your team. But can be canceled if the enemy decides to come jungle protect the top of the dive and in this case will come to nothing. You run the risk of taking jungle counter too. 3. Monitor is the safest alternative because it nullifies any offensive by the enemy team leaving the game as it is. If you do not know what to do just follow the enemy jungle. 4. The Counter-jungle is recommended if your level 6 is important (eg saw and nocturne) and the level 6 jg enemy is also important. Because at level 6 ult of some champions greatly facilitates the gank.E ganking ensure early goals becomes much easier (How to destroy towers, make a dragon and others), ensuring goals to his team's advantage increases. Outside you take the xp jungler enemy leaving you with a lvl forward, thus easier a challenge in some goal for his smite give more damage to the monster practically giving the order for you without much effort. Detailed guide of how to counter-jungle below. But stealing the jungle enemy you run some risks: You may give some purpose to the enemy team as well. Because their top lane can take a dive and you lose a tower or your top stay far behind in the game because they do not farmou. 7. detailed Counter-Jungle: When you are invading the jungle of an enemy, should never be seen coming in, so nothing to go by mid before invading. Look if there is pink wards in some brush in the river or in the brush behind the red buff. If only destroy and invade another time. If not, to invade, his farm order is this: Wolves and spectra: Leave only a small minion alive by preventing the reborn field and gives a minimum of the jungle xp enemy. Golems and Black Ghost: Make them last, when leaving the jungle enemy. For the golems if you leave the smallest gain little xp for only kill the largest and the ghost has no way to prevent it is reborn. So when the enemy jungle back is unlikely that they are alive. If you want to invade the red enemy: You have two options: 1: Make your blue and invade the enemy jungle. Put a trinket at the tip of the brush of red and make golems enemies. Then turn around and meet with the enemy making the red. Attack him after the buff're low on HP, as it will be less hp and you will get first blood and buff it. Soon after taking the red skirt, as the mid and top may be down to ajudar.Corra for your red and do it. 2: Instead of making the enemy golem you will make their spectra. The Champion most recommended to make an invasion is the lee sin. it has mobility to leave if something goes wrong and has very early game damage. If you have your red invaded: If you find that the jungler enemy invaded his red and is full HP, just go in his red and they is for them. If you take first blood or having to return to base, do not go in his red. Since it will be weaker and will probably die again. Only farme and retrieve your level. If surprised while doing the buff, delivered the buff and go at it. It is the best option. Let alone a living minionzinho, delay the jungle him. 8.Objetivos This part is the most important of the game. the game's objectives control is very important and it is always the jungle that will pull the tram to fulfill them. Pay attention to the dragon, if no one, from 12 ~ 13 minutes ganke the bot lane and then do the same with the carry and ad support. It is important you take wards, wardar the blue entrance or red of them (depending on which side you are) and use the smite at the right time. See how much damage your smite gives hp and as the dragon okay for you to use at the right time. If you are in the Purple team, it's interesting you startar the dragon and go back to the dragon follow you and get a little more up front. So any challenge of the blue team will be more difficult, because the dragon is more up front. But the baron, if you do not want to take risks, do not do it because it is very advantageous for the team that will contest you win a tf, get the buff baron, the 300 gold and they're losing, turn the match. So friend tip: Do not risk baron so. The recommended is to make the baron when you had a fight near him and won without losing many members of his team, for example: Their team is poorly positioned in the mid and you got the APC and the jungle of them no one on your team die or lose very hp. It's a good time to make the baron. There are those who make the famous baron ninja, with only 3 people, the jungle, the adc and somebody else. while someone else gives split push and distract the enemy team. 9.Wards: Whenever you can, warde these locations for control objectives, or ping to someone wardar. Blue Team: Dragon: http://media-copper.cursecdn.com/at...ntrance-to-ancient-blue-golem-purple-side.jpg http://media-copper.cursecdn.com/at...13/600/600/warding-side-brush-dragon-side.jpg Baron: http://media-copper.cursecdn.com/at...-mid-lane-entrance-to-wraiths-purple-side.jpg This ward is interesting. https://img.youtube.com/vi/JzOa9z4a5_4/0.jpg This too: http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii149/Philanonymous/BluesideBaronWards.png Team Purple: Dragon: http://media-copper.cursecdn.com/at...ng-mid-lane-entrance-to-wraiths-blue-side.jpg http://puu.sh/3lH3T/946c528b69.jpg Baron: http://media-copper.cursecdn.com/at...112/600/600/warding-side-brush-baron-side.jpg http://media-copper.cursecdn.com/at...-entrance-to-ancient-blue-golem-blue-side.jpg 10.Runas, talents and spells: Runes: Quintessences: AP, AP or movement speed. Brands: Magic penetration, armor penetration, AD or atk speed. Stamps: Armor Gliflos: Resistance magic Interestingly, if you want, for movement speed in quintessences to move faster across the map and gank faster. And the atk speed of the marks is for you to farm faster. Spells: Flash (or ghost, depending on the char) + smite Smite + ignite - if you are of Shaco or twitch, it is good. Talent: 9/21 - if tanker 21/9 - if killer / ap and depending on the champion you can put some things in utility too. The important thing is leveling the talent, increased damage on monsters in the attack tree and resistance to monsters in defense tree. Well that's it, if you want to add something to the guide, criticism, suggestions, leave in the comments. Any questions also let down will answer whenever you can. See also my other guides: Top Lane (http://forums.br.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=1081365#post1081365) Functions: Tankers and offtankers (http://forums.br.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=1083236#post1083236) Mid Lane (http://forums.br.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=1091233#post1091233)