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400 XP
Introduction I've been playing for almost a month now. Prior to starting I played Starcraft 2 and other RTS games. I still need to learn a lot about League of Legends theory and get familiar with more champions before I can consider myself good, but I think I've picked up AP Twisted Fate's tactics pretty well. I think this because I can pretty consistently win 1v1s against ranked friends, especially in mirror matches and I don't usually have any individual trouble in 5v5s. Thanks to my lack of deep understanding of the theory behind builds, I'll focus mainly on the mechanics and strategy I picked up on my journey with AP Mid-lane Twisted Fate.
The Build
Runes And Masteries
I don't know or have much to say about runes and masteries. I don't even have all those runes and masteries that other guides say you should get. I'll just recommend to look at other Twisted Fate builds.
Summoner Spells
Flash - Mandatory. Helps you land those epic clutch stuns and get away in those high-speed chases.
Ghost - After Flash, this is my favorite summoner spell. It gives you that edge in team fights, helps you chase people down, and occasionally helps you outrun extremely commited enemies.
Ignite - This one's also viable but I generally don't like it. Ignite doesn't work well with a poking play style but it'll definitely help to secure those squishy kills in combination with a surprise teleport.
The Rest - I can't see why any of the other summoner spells would be better than those listed above for Twisted Fate.
General Strategy
Early Game
Early game's all about the farm. Harassing is fun and stuff but you need your AP ASAP! I highly recommend going into an AI game and practicing killing every single creep on your lane with a combination of your W, Q, and basic attack. You can often get a hit on your opponent with your Q in addition to a minion, but don't focus on that until you have your items because it feels like only a pin prick at low levels.
During early game, I like to alternate between upgrading Q and W to keep the mana costs of both low.
Mid Game
Mid game is where Twisted Fate shines the most. This is when he just got a high AP item and can take out a chunk of enemies' health because they don't have any magic resist yet. Your job is to poke with your Q, poke, poke, teleport -> kill. On top of the awesome damage your Q has, there's also a huge range so they can't really do anything against your poke except try to dodge it. Against a clump of 5 enemy champs, you're bound to hit someone.
Late Game
You can easily shave off half of a squishy's health with your Stun + Wild Card combo so if you find anyone wandering about with low enough health, you can secure the kill with your ultimate and get an advantage in the next team fight. Late game, your power drops off compared to other champs but with full CDR and the epic mana regen from Athene's, you can stun like a boss. Your poke still hurts like hell against squishies so keep poking!
Q: Card Slinging Your Q (Wild Cards) are like 50 caliber bullets. They have crazy range, deal massive damage, and penetrate everything in their way. Getting last hits with them is pretty straightforward but remember that your W Blue Card is much more efficient mana-wise. I usually use Q to last hit only if my minions are all focusing one minion, my W is on cooldown, and I don't have enough basic attack damage to secure the last hit.
After the laning phase, your Q is one of the best pokes there is. Long range, reasonably hard to dodge, low cooldown, and low mana cost all make it an amazing long-term damage dealer.
Quick Tip: If you're trying to hit enemy champions, aiming a side card at them sometimes catches them off guard.
W: Stun, and company The most basic skill of any Twisted Fate player is picking the right card. You always want enough mana in the bank for 2 card picks and 1 wild card unless you have the crazy mana regen you get from Athene's Grail. This way, you're always a threat. You can always stun the opponent and guarantee a Wild Cards hit. You're also always protected. If the enemy decides to chase you, you pick your gold card again and stun them while you run away laughing. If they don't chase you, you can always farm back your mana with your Blue Card. Your W ability is your sword, shield, and bread.
In the laning phase, picking a card often feels like playing a polyrythmic piano piece. One part of your brain needs to keep track of picking the card. The other needs to pay attention to attack rate and last hitting minions. This is one of the reasons why a well-versed Twisted Fate can be so much better than an inexperienced one because the timing is something that's difficult to get down without practice - and gives you a huge advantage in laning. While they're missing their cards and last hits, you're farming your passive and getting mana as soon as your cooldown finishes.
Here's a synopsis of the uses for the different cards:
Blue - Mana regen. The bit of extra damage isn't as useful as a slow or stun so the only reason why you'd use the blue card is to get mana and/or last hits.
Red - I use red card if I need that bit of extra range to hit the enemy champion. Hitting a minion close to the enemy champ will apply the slow on the enemy and allow you to easily land your Q. Later on in the game, red card is very good for keeping away a group who's chasing you but keep in mind that if they're already on top you, a stun might be better since it'll stop one person from attacking.
Stun - This is your most amazing ability, especially combined with your Q. Always have a stun within reach in case someone decides to surprise gank you or you can secure a kill with Ghost.
Quick Tip: You don't always need to pick the card right away. As long as you don't lock in, you can threaten enemies with a gold card if they come close or farm mana with a blue card if they don't. Delaying the locking in also gives you more time with the card activated which is invaluable in pursuits where you need to take time to catch up.
E: Meh In my experience, E isn't a very useful ability on AP Twisted Fate until late game when you have Nashor's Tooth and the attack speed it gives you. First of all, the damage is pretty negligible compared to your other abilities. Most significantly, it's hard to use correctly. In order to land your E on enemy champions without high a attack speed, you'll have to farm it up on minions and pay attention to what you attack and when. This is just too much management for too little benefit so I recommend upgrading this ability last.
R: Twisting Fate Fate's ultimate is one of the best of ultimates of the champions I've played so far. He can secure kills, get to team fights instantly, and in some situations, escape death. Here are a few use cases for the Twisted Fate's ultimate:
At level 6, the ultimate is a free teleport. If you don't see any gankable targets in other lanes, you can recall, buy your items, then use your ultimate to clear a big chunk of the lane. Just make sure you're standing on the spawn for the mana regen because this ability uses a decent chunk of mana.
After a team fight or against a wandering squishy, you can use your ultimate to secure the kill. If you can help it, teleport into an unwarded bush close to or on the trajectory of the victim. If you spot your team chasing a high-priority target, feel free to stop the chase with the same strategy.
After poking the enemies down, you can teleport on the enemy squishy, initiate a team fight with a red card (for the splash slow), and make it a 4v5 before the fight even starts. Zhonya's hourglass is worth it if you want to rambo into the middle of the enemy team. Note that this strategy doesn't work against good players because they'll be expecting you after you pop your R.
Slight of Hand (Mechanics) As AP Fate, your basic attack does almost no damage until you get your Nashor's Tooth. Even then, you might just put a dent in the enemy and not much else. The key to securing kills is your stun card. If you land a stun, don't just sit there and tickle him. Keep running towards where you think the enemy will try to run after the stun wears off, and stick to him like glue so that he'll never get out of range. As soon as your W's cooldown finishes, pop him with another stun and secure the kill.
Stun->Q is a pretty straightforward combo. If you have Lich Bane or Nashor's Tooth, it might be worth it to land follow-up attacks while the enemy's still stunned but before your basic attack does any significant damage, it's better to play it safe and take home what you can without receiving any damage yourself.
Edited by Sorey, 15 November 2015 - 09:16 PM.
The Build
Runes And Masteries
I don't know or have much to say about runes and masteries. I don't even have all those runes and masteries that other guides say you should get. I'll just recommend to look at other Twisted Fate builds.
Summoner Spells
Flash - Mandatory. Helps you land those epic clutch stuns and get away in those high-speed chases.
Ghost - After Flash, this is my favorite summoner spell. It gives you that edge in team fights, helps you chase people down, and occasionally helps you outrun extremely commited enemies.
Ignite - This one's also viable but I generally don't like it. Ignite doesn't work well with a poking play style but it'll definitely help to secure those squishy kills in combination with a surprise teleport.
The Rest - I can't see why any of the other summoner spells would be better than those listed above for Twisted Fate.
General Strategy
Early Game
Early game's all about the farm. Harassing is fun and stuff but you need your AP ASAP! I highly recommend going into an AI game and practicing killing every single creep on your lane with a combination of your W, Q, and basic attack. You can often get a hit on your opponent with your Q in addition to a minion, but don't focus on that until you have your items because it feels like only a pin prick at low levels.
During early game, I like to alternate between upgrading Q and W to keep the mana costs of both low.
Mid Game
Mid game is where Twisted Fate shines the most. This is when he just got a high AP item and can take out a chunk of enemies' health because they don't have any magic resist yet. Your job is to poke with your Q, poke, poke, teleport -> kill. On top of the awesome damage your Q has, there's also a huge range so they can't really do anything against your poke except try to dodge it. Against a clump of 5 enemy champs, you're bound to hit someone.
Late Game
You can easily shave off half of a squishy's health with your Stun + Wild Card combo so if you find anyone wandering about with low enough health, you can secure the kill with your ultimate and get an advantage in the next team fight. Late game, your power drops off compared to other champs but with full CDR and the epic mana regen from Athene's, you can stun like a boss. Your poke still hurts like hell against squishies so keep poking!
Q: Card Slinging Your Q (Wild Cards) are like 50 caliber bullets. They have crazy range, deal massive damage, and penetrate everything in their way. Getting last hits with them is pretty straightforward but remember that your W Blue Card is much more efficient mana-wise. I usually use Q to last hit only if my minions are all focusing one minion, my W is on cooldown, and I don't have enough basic attack damage to secure the last hit.
After the laning phase, your Q is one of the best pokes there is. Long range, reasonably hard to dodge, low cooldown, and low mana cost all make it an amazing long-term damage dealer.
Quick Tip: If you're trying to hit enemy champions, aiming a side card at them sometimes catches them off guard.
W: Stun, and company The most basic skill of any Twisted Fate player is picking the right card. You always want enough mana in the bank for 2 card picks and 1 wild card unless you have the crazy mana regen you get from Athene's Grail. This way, you're always a threat. You can always stun the opponent and guarantee a Wild Cards hit. You're also always protected. If the enemy decides to chase you, you pick your gold card again and stun them while you run away laughing. If they don't chase you, you can always farm back your mana with your Blue Card. Your W ability is your sword, shield, and bread.
In the laning phase, picking a card often feels like playing a polyrythmic piano piece. One part of your brain needs to keep track of picking the card. The other needs to pay attention to attack rate and last hitting minions. This is one of the reasons why a well-versed Twisted Fate can be so much better than an inexperienced one because the timing is something that's difficult to get down without practice - and gives you a huge advantage in laning. While they're missing their cards and last hits, you're farming your passive and getting mana as soon as your cooldown finishes.
Here's a synopsis of the uses for the different cards:
Blue - Mana regen. The bit of extra damage isn't as useful as a slow or stun so the only reason why you'd use the blue card is to get mana and/or last hits.
Red - I use red card if I need that bit of extra range to hit the enemy champion. Hitting a minion close to the enemy champ will apply the slow on the enemy and allow you to easily land your Q. Later on in the game, red card is very good for keeping away a group who's chasing you but keep in mind that if they're already on top you, a stun might be better since it'll stop one person from attacking.
Stun - This is your most amazing ability, especially combined with your Q. Always have a stun within reach in case someone decides to surprise gank you or you can secure a kill with Ghost.
Quick Tip: You don't always need to pick the card right away. As long as you don't lock in, you can threaten enemies with a gold card if they come close or farm mana with a blue card if they don't. Delaying the locking in also gives you more time with the card activated which is invaluable in pursuits where you need to take time to catch up.
E: Meh In my experience, E isn't a very useful ability on AP Twisted Fate until late game when you have Nashor's Tooth and the attack speed it gives you. First of all, the damage is pretty negligible compared to your other abilities. Most significantly, it's hard to use correctly. In order to land your E on enemy champions without high a attack speed, you'll have to farm it up on minions and pay attention to what you attack and when. This is just too much management for too little benefit so I recommend upgrading this ability last.
R: Twisting Fate Fate's ultimate is one of the best of ultimates of the champions I've played so far. He can secure kills, get to team fights instantly, and in some situations, escape death. Here are a few use cases for the Twisted Fate's ultimate:
At level 6, the ultimate is a free teleport. If you don't see any gankable targets in other lanes, you can recall, buy your items, then use your ultimate to clear a big chunk of the lane. Just make sure you're standing on the spawn for the mana regen because this ability uses a decent chunk of mana.
After a team fight or against a wandering squishy, you can use your ultimate to secure the kill. If you can help it, teleport into an unwarded bush close to or on the trajectory of the victim. If you spot your team chasing a high-priority target, feel free to stop the chase with the same strategy.
After poking the enemies down, you can teleport on the enemy squishy, initiate a team fight with a red card (for the splash slow), and make it a 4v5 before the fight even starts. Zhonya's hourglass is worth it if you want to rambo into the middle of the enemy team. Note that this strategy doesn't work against good players because they'll be expecting you after you pop your R.
Slight of Hand (Mechanics) As AP Fate, your basic attack does almost no damage until you get your Nashor's Tooth. Even then, you might just put a dent in the enemy and not much else. The key to securing kills is your stun card. If you land a stun, don't just sit there and tickle him. Keep running towards where you think the enemy will try to run after the stun wears off, and stick to him like glue so that he'll never get out of range. As soon as your W's cooldown finishes, pop him with another stun and secure the kill.
Stun->Q is a pretty straightforward combo. If you have Lich Bane or Nashor's Tooth, it might be worth it to land follow-up attacks while the enemy's still stunned but before your basic attack does any significant damage, it's better to play it safe and take home what you can without receiving any damage yourself.
Edited by Sorey, 15 November 2015 - 09:16 PM.