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It's time for change


NFT Creator
R Rep
R Vouches
LEVEL 1 400 XP
This post is just about me, my own feelings and what I've planned for the future. If you don't care about any of this, just don't read it.
When I first started nulled I was basically just a teenager with way too much time. No school, no work, nothing, just endless amounts of time.
I started grinding for likes, started growing my cute little autobuy shop for spotify accounts and things were fun.
At some point I invested most of my money ($50 at the time) into a spotify upgrade bot and made around $4k within 2 months, this was crazy for me.
And that's where nulled became more than just a hobby for me.
Over the past ~5 years I've made a decent amount of money, I started a lot of projects, sold a lot of unique products and built a pretty big network of valuable contacts.
Things went great, I was having fun playing video games while the money wouldn't stop coming in, really fun times.
At some point however business went slower, from the thousands I made every month I was now down to maybe 2k a month, then 1k, then a little under 1k.
This wasn't a biggie for me since I knew how to use that money, but it definitely made things slower.
Over the past few months I've barely made any money on here while the psychological pressure kept getting higher and higher.
I was already depressed before I came to nulled but as it stands right now I'm basically just a shell of my former self.
I suffer from insomnia due to the endless amount of sleepless nights I've spent on here, I became VERY paranoid over the years and I just don't feel comfortable with any of this anymore.
That's where the main point of this post starts:
I'm not making any money on here anymore while I'm still ruining my mental health.
Well, I am making money, just not close to any amount that would be worth my time.
I am lucky to live in a first world country, a country with a stable economy and overall pretty good finances.
But that also means that the money I currently make on nulled is around 10% of the average monthly salary I'd get in a normal job here.
So what does this mean for me? For the community? For my "friends"?
I won't fully quit nulled, nulled is a part of my life, even though I dislike the current form of it.
However, I won't be able to treat nulled as my "fulltime job" anymore. I'm a grown adult now and it's time to move on. To actually... you know, experience life.
Starting 2023 I'll look for a decently paying job (maybe in cyber security if I get lucky) and just work for now. I don't even really care about the money, I just need to fix my life. I need to fix my mental health, my sleep schedule, everything...
I will NOT cut ties with my friends on here. I will also not fully stop using nulled. I will probably just sell some of my current services and try to fix my life.
If there's gonna be another chance for quick money like the nft thing I was doing recently, I'll give it a try, but I don't expect to fully come back to being an active seller on here again. (at least not in the near future)
I will probably leave some afk-money services running, like femboyproxy and steamkeys but I don't plan on expanding with new businesses as of right now. Maybe with my first irl paychecks, we'll see.
It was a great time and even though it really fucked my mental health up I can't say I regret any of it.
I love you guys



