Save Scummer
100 XP
because Riot is gonna release an anti-intentional-feed program soon, i figured a way out to loose almost every game, without going afk or something, and without dieing a lot(in fact, i had many games with a positive kda).
sorrynotsorry :/
But wait: Why do you downrank your account? -> Guess what, smurfing in low silver is a lot more fun than in low gold for example. Also, if the system notices that you have a high mmr you will skip divisions. If you wanna have more fun bashing plebs, get a low mmr first.
Step 1: Get Nunu (he is 450 ip anyway)
Step 2: Call " support " in champ select. ( you will get it in 99% of the time)
Step 3: Get Smite and Ghost
Step 3.1: When ingame /mute all instantly, or leave the chat on if you like to get death-threads and " my dad works at riot he will ban you ".
Step 4: If your jungler starts at the bot-side buff: Chill out at your tower; If your jungler starts at the other site of the map, stay afk til 1:30 and then go and get to his buff
Step 5: Consume his Buff (works 10/10 times, they do usually isnta-smite, and cant smite properly anway below plat)
Step 6: Smite his Buff ( red or blue )
Step 7: Smite or Consume every big monster
Repeat Step 7 until he gives up and walks on a lane to farm(or goes afk)
Step 8: Walk right behind him, and denie him as much as possible. Avoid doing any dmg to enemies beside kill-steals
Step 8.1: Clear every camp beside one little creep.
those games do usually end at 20 mins, because your adc will get shit on 2v1 and you and your jungler are 100% useless. this makes the game to a 2v5 and almost unwinnable. (worked about 20 times so far), but top and mid wont recieve any decent ganks anyway so...well..they aint gonna carry you anyway.
Make sure not to argue in the chat, or something like that. I do usually only spam " :^) ".
Its a lot of fun to do, especially when people add you after the game and tell you things like " i got your ip i will send a hitman to your house that will kill your family and rape your mum ".
Try it out, post your ideas to optimize this technique below. If anybody wants to duo-downrank, pm me
Edited by matheox, 17 October 2015 - 11:16 PM.
because Riot is gonna release an anti-intentional-feed program soon, i figured a way out to loose almost every game, without going afk or something, and without dieing a lot(in fact, i had many games with a positive kda).
sorrynotsorry :/
But wait: Why do you downrank your account? -> Guess what, smurfing in low silver is a lot more fun than in low gold for example. Also, if the system notices that you have a high mmr you will skip divisions. If you wanna have more fun bashing plebs, get a low mmr first.
Step 1: Get Nunu (he is 450 ip anyway)
Step 2: Call " support " in champ select. ( you will get it in 99% of the time)
Step 3: Get Smite and Ghost
Step 3.1: When ingame /mute all instantly, or leave the chat on if you like to get death-threads and " my dad works at riot he will ban you ".
Step 4: If your jungler starts at the bot-side buff: Chill out at your tower; If your jungler starts at the other site of the map, stay afk til 1:30 and then go and get to his buff
Step 5: Consume his Buff (works 10/10 times, they do usually isnta-smite, and cant smite properly anway below plat)
Step 6: Smite his Buff ( red or blue )
Step 7: Smite or Consume every big monster
Repeat Step 7 until he gives up and walks on a lane to farm(or goes afk)
Step 8: Walk right behind him, and denie him as much as possible. Avoid doing any dmg to enemies beside kill-steals
Step 8.1: Clear every camp beside one little creep.
those games do usually end at 20 mins, because your adc will get shit on 2v1 and you and your jungler are 100% useless. this makes the game to a 2v5 and almost unwinnable. (worked about 20 times so far), but top and mid wont recieve any decent ganks anyway so...well..they aint gonna carry you anyway.
Make sure not to argue in the chat, or something like that. I do usually only spam " :^) ".
Its a lot of fun to do, especially when people add you after the game and tell you things like " i got your ip i will send a hitman to your house that will kill your family and rape your mum ".
Try it out, post your ideas to optimize this technique below. If anybody wants to duo-downrank, pm me
Edited by matheox, 17 October 2015 - 11:16 PM.