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Fix My Paper! (please im gonna fail social studies)


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On August 2nd 1990 Iraqi forces invaded the small Arab country of Kuwait. The Gulf War in 1998 only lasted from January 16th to February 28th but it led on many things. It led to the Iraqi war from 2003-2011 and the death of Saddam Hussein. The reason the war was started was because Saddam borrowed too much money and could not pay his debts. He decided to invade Kuwait for their plentiful oil and take it over. Even though he tried to take over Kuwait it failed miserably when the United States of America forcefully pushed Saddam Hussein out of the country. This is a basis for the Iraqi War.
I do not believe the United States was justified for going to war in Iraq. The United States was not relevant in the war at all and had no reason for being in it. They may have saved Kuwait but many people on all sides died. The Iraqi war and specifically United States involvement was ultimately the cause of 9/11 and many terrorist groups. Al-Qaeda has a direct correlation to the war because the members thought that America was trying to take over their land. This means American involvement was an indirect cause of all of the fallen Americans in 9/11 and other terrorist attacks. America should have just stayed out of Iraq. On the other hand you say that even though US involvement in Iraq caused many problems it could’ve stopped many too. Saddam Hussain may have claimed parts of Syria or block it from Iraq, taking advantage of the Syrian civil war. With Hussain’s strong leadership and force he would probably not cause ISIS to form or would have defeated it before it could do much damage. Kuwait would most likely become a part of Iraq causing Iraq to have so much oil. This means that oil prices would fall tremendously causing the stock market to crash and putting many people out of business. American policy may have also become much less criticized also. Debt may have also been cut in HALF. There would also be 3000 GI’s and 1,000,000 Iraqis still alive. Islamism would be much weaker, and secular Arab politics much stronger. Saddam said he was willing to change, as long as he retained power and his people would not be punished for things they did to give Iraq a powerful government. Events since his death show very clearly that you can't have a strong government in Iraq and similar places without a civil war at least once.This is why I do not believe the United States should have gone into Iraq.
My best solution for ending the war in Iraq is complicated but just might work. I do not believe the US should “just get out†considering the giant mess they would leave behind. Don’t get me wrong we should take the troops out but we should at least fix it. The US should at least work towards fixing Iraq to make it better considering the immense damage they have done to Iraq. Even if the US doesn’t work to fix Iraq they should pay a fine for what they have done. They have killed 1,000,000 Iraqis, inserted TWO puppet dictators, and created many terrorist groups in Iraq. I agree with the Obama-Biden but it hasn’t worked so far. We should decrease the drones and increase the military training of Iraqi soldiers and also increase the economic support and give better weapons to Iraq (but then again we don’t really trust them). This plan would never actually get put into place though because that would ruin politicians stocks by loosening the American grip on oil causing big banks and the big Wall Street people to give more funding to presidents opposing my ideals/making presidents oppose my deals. This was an inference but a good one considering it has happened around 40 times in the MOST RECENT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. So my main plan would be focus less on your wallet and focus more on LIVING BEINGS and see where that takes us.
The costs are hard to pay because they are in lives and dollars. The US has killed around 1,000,000 Iraqi citizens. Research says (I do not advocate for this because I believe any human life is worth more than basic monetary values) that a human life is worth around $9,000,000. If you do the math you would see 9,000,000 X 1,000,000 = 9 TRILLION American dollars. If the US could afford to lose money they wouldn’t have invaded Iraq in the first place making oil 400x easier to get in Iraq, fueling the US economy. I believe the US should pay back that much money and all of the money profited from the war.
The US should have stayed out of Iraq. They probably stopped some problems but the war in Iraq caused A LOT. We will never know what would have happened in Iraq if the US had stayed out but you can see what happened when the US did invade Iraq and it was not very good. This is my opinion on the war in Iraq.



