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Reactfolio: Building an Impressive Portfolio App with React


Advanced Threat Emulation Specialist
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A Vouches
LEVEL 1 400 XP
Step-by-Step Guide from Beginner to Pro
What you'll learn:
Build interactive web applications using React.
Implement routing and navigation within React applications.
Style React components and design visually appealing user interfaces.
Organize projects for scalability and optimize performance.
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Students should have a fundamental knowledge of HTML structure, CSS styling, and JavaScript programming concepts. This includes familiarity with DOM manipulation, variables, functions, and basic JavaScript syntax.
Basic React Knowledge: While not mandatory, it is beneficial for students to have a basic understanding of React's core concepts, such as components, JSX, state, and props. This can be acquired through introductory React tutorials or courses.
JavaScript ES6+: Students should be familiar with modern JavaScript features introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) or later, such as arrow functions, destructuring, template literals, and modules. This knowledge is essential for working with React and utilizing modern JavaScript syntax.
Text Editor and Development Environment: Students should have a preferred text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) set up on their computer. Popular options include Visual Studio Code, Atom, or Sublime Text. They should also have a basic understanding of using a terminal or command line interface.
The course "Reactfolio: Building an Impressive Portfolio App with React" is a comprehensive, hands-on learning experience for anyone who wants to master React and build impressive web applications. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced developer, this course will give you the knowledge and skills to create an engaging portfolio app to show off your skills.You'll learn how to create reusable components and implement routing and navigation in your React applications. You'll also dive into the art of styling and UI design, using modern CSS to create visually appealing user interfaces.The course goes beyond programming and addresses project organization and scalability. You'll learn best practices for structuring your React projects and optimizing performance. You'll gain insights into code architecture, modularization and maintaining a scalable project structure.This course doesn't explain React. In this course we'll connect the pieces. We'll start from scratch and create a production-ready portfolio application for you to show off your skills.This is a new and modern course, not only in terms of the subject matter, but also in the way it is introduced.This course aims to teach you how to create a Protofolio app without going into too much detail and explaining details you already know.The course is built around an application so that you have a production-ready, complete application with the explanation of how to build it yourself.If you enjoy developing React applications, this course is for you.You'll have plenty of room to work with the application code and customize it to your needs.By the end of the course, you'll have developed a fully functional portfolio application that showcases your React skills and makes an impressive addition to your professional portfolio. Whether you're looking to get into web development or expand your existing skills, this course will enable you to create stunning web applications using React. Join us on this exciting journey and discover your potential as a React developer.

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