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Dating Scam- ewhoring


Crypto Yield Farmer
A Rep
A Vouches
LEVEL 1 200 XP
This idea came up suddenly, when a good friend of mine came to me one morning, devastated
as being bankrupt, totally broke and close to home foreclosure, not knowing what to do to get
out of this situation. So, he came to me to ask me for a loan, and maybe for an idea on how to
make some money quickly.
I was just sitting at my desk in my office, reading the morning e-mails. While talking to me,
one definitely got my attention. It was something like: Dear X, I am Miss Y from Angola, my
father recently died and left me alone in this world, I need a soul mate to spend the rest of my
life with, blablabla, for short, the good old 419 Nigerian scam.
While reading it, an idea just crossed my mind. I told Dan (my friend): man, I will definitely
lend you some money so you could bail foreclosure. Moreover, I will give you an idea, the
tools, and all the necessary logistics to see it up and running.
- Ok, who do I have to kill?
And, just to keep it short, he is still doing it now, after 2 years, just by updating the scripts and
methods/approaches, making a net profit of about 12-15k/month, multiplying his profits by
hiring 4 girls to do the ground work, etc.
The very basic principle behind this scheme is the very oldest in the book, yet taken to far
higher levels and consequently earnings by exploiting a market of some dozens of millions of
people who are lonely and craving for love and companionship, and would do a lot of things
to get some.
You don't have to get ethical on that, as a lot of them are masturbating while watching child
porn or tons of other weird stuff out there. To be honest, these weirdos are - by far - your main
1. A decent computer
2. An Internet connection
3. A burner phone
4. Basic security, same like for carding (vpn, proxy, cleaner, etc)
5. A female partner, preferably cute (she really doesn't have to be beautiful, just decent),
age between 18 and 40ish; it can be done without her, but far more difficult, as you'll
need to impersonate a woman, and this is - by far - one of the most difficult tasks ever
6. The will to put some effort into this, and treat it like a business; you can do it part time,
every now and then, but don't expect to make more than 1k like that
7. The compulsory patience to wait for at least 2 weeks until the first payday, maybe even
a month if you go for a big whale (5-10-20k; fuck, you can even score 100k from one
mark, the possibilities are endless once you learn the game)
8. A bank drop, as it is highly recommended not to use your own data, bank accounts, etc.
9. Most important, as stated in this product presentation itself, you have to be a people's
person, to have good communication skills, a bit of SE wouldn't hurt but not
compulsory, as, by the time you'll celebrate 6 months in this business, you will be
teaching SE
Register a couple of accounts on major dating sites (like Match.com, adultfriendfinder.com, etc).
Not many, as you need to be able to have total control over them
and check all of them every like 6-12 hours.
Look on the Internet for a bunch of pics of a cute girl (not a top model, but a normal sexy girl,
that should look much alike your female partner; for safety reasons,it is much better that you do
not use genuine pictures of your lady partner/employee); it would have to be a collection of at
least 10-15; you upload 3-5 max to the profile, and keep the others for sending more to the mark
during the STEP 2 'building relationship' stage.
Come up with a VERY GOOD story, that will get simpathy/affection from your target audience;
as stated in the listing description, I will provide tutoring for the first month; the live example
below, at the bottom of the guide, is a great scenario, that is fully used as we speak, and brings
a lot of money; in 2 weeks time from purchasing, I will provide one more, you just have to send
me a message on EVO, with #the order number for subject, and the word '2nd script' in the mes-
sage body, and you will get it in 24 hours max.
Normally, provided the profile presentation is well designed, it should get private messages
quickly, as the market potential is huge. If not receiving any during the first week online, you
should definitely go for another pitch/script.
●PROFILE: 40-60, technical or financial formation (IT, analyst, accountant, consultant, engi-
neer, etc); lonely, or still living with parents,poor social/conversational skills, shy, a bit
weird, nerd type, etc.
●LOCATION: as far away as possible of your alleged location, so he won't be tempted to
come meet you in person soon; a lot of them have a tremendous fear of this moment of
face-to-face first meeting, so, just exploit this into your advantage. You can claim you are
from the same country, yet temporary living abroad; make shure you know a bit about the
place you alegedly live in
●WEALTH: it really doesn't matter, as, no matter how broke they are (ok, this doesn't mean
you should go for unemployed lol), they will always find a ton of money to get some quali-
ty pussy for the cold winter nights...
Men are easy to handle. If I was to write a guide the other way around, about scamming women,
it would have taken me 1000 pages to write it, believe me. You have to be born with the gift of
understanding women to pull this kind of scheme, yet, it pays far better...
You just need to really listen to them and identify their needs. Do not talk much about yourself
(meaning: the woman in the profile), but ask a lot of questions about them.
Do not overwhelm them though, just pretend you're extremely interested to really know them.
Ask them about past relationships, why did those end, how were their most loved women like,
and use all this info to your advantage into creating their perfect virtual woman. LEARN ABOUT
THEM AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, before you start cashing out stage.
Then, and only then, start selling your scenario, as you can see in the live example at the
Emphasize on you being in a difficult financial situation, yet DO NOT insist on that, but treat this
subject like you have been much better in the past, and really
ashamed now, as not used to being poor...
1. First of all, you will never use webcam with the mark at the beginning; when he will ask
for such, you will tell him that, due to financial problems, you couldn't afford a pc with a
webcam, and adding an external one to your present computer will definitely be a prob-
lem, as your parents/abusive husband/abusive dad/ultra-religious family will notice it and
punish you for that.
You will then guide him into the idea of compulsory buying you a new laptop with a web-
cam, so they can fulfil their need to see you/the girl in the profile. IMPORTANT: do not ask
for it, just lead him, like I said, by allegedly trying to get some money from a friend, or
trying to get a loan from your mom, etc. If you do your due diligence into building the re-
lationship, this will be a piece of cake.
2. From the second step on, possibilities are infinite, and depend on the relationship that
you have built. Whether we are talking divorce taxes, or mortgage balance of your
parents so you can leave their house knowing they escaped foreclosure, or urgent brain
surgery, whatever you ALREADY LEARNED that could pull his triggers. It is very impor-
tant that you do your homework properly, if you want to make big money out of this.
After a major hit of 2-3k or above (like I told you, the possibilities are endless once you got to
know him well), you setup a scenario like this:
“”during a webcam session, same day you cashed the money out, a man will enter the room
(you, maybe, you just have to set a rather obscure lighting in the room),
start shouting, hitting the girl, curse him through the webcam, something like: you fucking
whore, you are chatting with men, I will kill you etc
Then, no sign for about a week...””
After that week has passed, she will call him, tell him she needs to get out now, claims her
husband/father/pimp/whoever he was in your script took all the money,got drunk/high/whatever,
did beat the crap out of her and left for a hunting trip, you were in the hospital for a week, ER,
ICU, whatever; now it would be a good moment to run away, but no money left etc.
You might be surprised how many will fall for that and send you more money... this is, also, a
reason for you to claim you live as far away as possible from his location, as flight/departure
arrangements will also be expensive.
Initial Investment
VPN or SOCKS, ccleaner
burner phone; you should consider changing the number/terminal every month or so, or when-
ever you feel something is wrong with one of your marks; do not take
chances when it comes to your freedom; never sell them, but always destroy
Income projections
Well, to be honest, this one is on you, and you only. It all depends on 2 things
1. The amount of work you are willing to put into this enterprise
2. How good you/your female partners will become with social skills and engineering
At the end of the day, everything comes to pure math, like for every other sales business.
Let us play the numbers game for a minute, and imagine that you are a lousy SE, so, you will
probably not be able to score more than 1k from each mark:
From my friend's business, I learned that the worse conversions go like 15-20%. This means
that for every 20 people you try to lure, you will get no more than 1.5-2 in your bate. This will
get you a medium amount per week of 1.5-2k, taking into consideration you're processing 20
per week. So, as i told you in the introduction, it takes WORK only to get decent wages from
this business. Treat it like a regular business, and it will pay well. treat it like a hobby, and you
will get 1-2k per month only. Never forget about security measures, as this is a pure scam and
you might be prosecuted for doing it.
1. NEVER EVER EVER SPAM; this scheme is already being used by Nigerians as we
speak, yet, in a totally different manner. They create poor profiles, a couple of
words with a couple of sexy pics of young black beauties. If you ask them for more
pics, or get into details, they freeze and disappear... They also spam like hell, by
sending mass messages like this:
Hello, I'm Rebecca, a nice and lovely young girl. I came across your page and really
picked interest in you, can we become friends if you do not mind?. Contact me back
([email protected])so i can send you my photos and also introduce myself
properly to you
This is actually a message received this week on my fb account :D , i get about 50 per
week... not a good way of getting attention, if you ask me...
Although, I imagine, you would like to see a quick buck in your pocket, never try to
hurry into cashing out, as most of them will feel it quickly and you've just wasted time
for nothing, as they will disappear into thin air in a second... always remember, you
might be not the first one who is trying to scam him... you just need to be the first one
who succeeds :) ...
Profile: a married young woman, whose husband is abusive, beats her at least once every
couple of weeks. Two months ago, she had 2 broken ribs and a skull fracture.
She is terrorized, living in a permanent fear, too weak and scared to cry for help, or to have
the bastard prosecuted or in jail; in need for someone to help her in escaping that living hell.
She will forever be grateful, love and cherish the knight in white armour that would be able to
listen to her, love her and treat her well. She is shy, over sensitive, cries.
Suddenly, her life begins to change just meeting a man who is always there for her (the mark),
who listens to her, and, hope comes back into her soul; she is falling for him, (the timeframe
for the L word should not be less than 3-4 weeks); from here on, you can develop various
scenarios, like her husband entering the room one day while she is chatting with the mark,
computer is closing all of a sudden, husband beat the crap out of her, no sign from her for a
couple of days, then she comes back with a bandaged hand and a blue eye, in pain, crying
over the phone, she can take no more, she will kill herself to escape from this shitty life, etc.
Depending on the mark (this is why I emphasized on GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MARK prior
to engaging money related scenarios), you could elaborate a brain surgery scenario,
and score a lot more than just a couple of thousands. You will have to sell it very carefully,
though, as this method was used by Nigerians, and it might raise
a red flag to the mark. DO NOT ASK for money to get this operation done, but lead him into
the concept that you cannot afford it, and you will probably die if you won't
get this surgery done ASAP
I really hope this guide will be your good friend for a period of time. We are not talking here
about an idea that came to me all of a sudden, and I used it to put all of the above on paper,
hoping I will get a quick buck for it. We are talking about a step-by-step tutorial, describing a
business that is actually working as we speak, making at least 11-12k in a shitty month for a
good friend of mine(to be honest, for me as well, as I get a percentage every month for
tutoring/consulting), based on my ideas/scripts/pitches/setup. So, if an Eastern European
guy(my friend), who knew nothing about computers, or schemes, who worked all his life as a
teacher, could make a lot of money out of it, I am simply asking myself:
I wish you the best of luck, and, should you have any questions, do not hesitate to a



