Neko Fanatic
100 XP
Then I'll show you how to be Offline, or may not appear in the LOL chat while playing. But before I will say a few things:
1- You will not be able to send msgs in champion select.
2- No one will be able to send messages to you by Chat (obviously cuz it disables LOL chat).
3- In game, you will be able to send messages normally.
First, find the address of your server in the game folder.
In BR server, the folder tends to get here:
C: \ Riot Games \ League of Legends \ RADS \ projects \ lol_air_client_config_br \ rel Eases \ \ deploy \ lol.properties
LOL open the file with Notepad (extension properties) and you will find this:
'' Host = prod.br.lol.riotgames.com
xmpp_server_url = chat.br.lol.riotgames.com <<<< Delete the chat.br.lol.riotgames.com address)
lq_uri = https: //lq.br.lol.riotgames.com
storyPageURL = http: //br.leagueoflegends.com/story
rssStatusURLs = null
regionTag = us
lobbyLandingURL = http: //frontpage.br..../client/landing
ladderURL = http: //competitive.b...m/pt-br/ladders
loadModuleChampionDetail = true
featuredGamesURL = http: //spectator.br..../rest/featured
PlatformID = BR1
ekg_uri = https: //ekg.riotgames.com
riotDataServiceDataSendProbability = 1.0
The area (xmpp_server_url =) should remain blank.
Finally, easy ... To return to normal is only rewriting the address back.
1- You will not be able to send msgs in champion select.
2- No one will be able to send messages to you by Chat (obviously cuz it disables LOL chat).
3- In game, you will be able to send messages normally.
First, find the address of your server in the game folder.
In BR server, the folder tends to get here:
C: \ Riot Games \ League of Legends \ RADS \ projects \ lol_air_client_config_br \ rel Eases \ \ deploy \ lol.properties
LOL open the file with Notepad (extension properties) and you will find this:
'' Host = prod.br.lol.riotgames.com
xmpp_server_url = chat.br.lol.riotgames.com <<<< Delete the chat.br.lol.riotgames.com address)
lq_uri = https: //lq.br.lol.riotgames.com
storyPageURL = http: //br.leagueoflegends.com/story
rssStatusURLs = null
regionTag = us
lobbyLandingURL = http: //frontpage.br..../client/landing
ladderURL = http: //competitive.b...m/pt-br/ladders
loadModuleChampionDetail = true
featuredGamesURL = http: //spectator.br..../rest/featured
PlatformID = BR1
ekg_uri = https: //ekg.riotgames.com
riotDataServiceDataSendProbability = 1.0
The area (xmpp_server_url =) should remain blank.
Finally, easy ... To return to normal is only rewriting the address back.