Data Ghost
400 XP
General information about us
We represent a group of companies specializing in the placement of content generators in the Russian Federation.
What we can offer:
- Any configuration of virtual servers is always available
-Ability to rent additional ip as well as separate subnets (on our equipment)
-Any configuration of dedicated servers both in stock and on order
- Enables in 1Gbit/10Gbit/40Gbit/100Gbit ports
- Loyal attitude to abuse, we help to sleep more calmly, we know how to make the impossible possible
- We ignore such abuses as spamhaus, spamcorp, DMCA, etc.
- ability to connect antiDDoS at levels l3-l7
-possibility to connect WAF
Why are we:
- we know how to work in the Russian Federation and understand your needs
- we have solid experience with specific highload services, including VIDEO STREAMING, Bulletproof Servers and VPS
- we are ready to give the best offer in the Russian Federation via communication channels
- we have experience deploying large (200Gbit+) broadcasting complexes based on HP7000C+3par 7400
- we understand what a budget solution is (yes, there are a number of projects working on SATA HDD / SSD storage and yes, it works)
- individual approach to your project, your conditions and your wishes
What is our network built on?
border routers: Juniper MX960/3x SCBE2/2xRE-1800x4-32GB , PTX10001-36MR, MX10003, PTX10002-60C
access routers: juniper MX204
backbone switching: arista network 7280CR3 series
access switching: arista network 7280SE-7260CX/juniper QFX5100-5120/ex4550
antiddos: A10NETWORK TPS + Mitigator (BIFIT) (fstack level 4 certification) + flowspec from a number of uplinks
DWDM systems: FIBO
Current connectivity: RETN, RASCOM, GBLNET, DDOSGUARD, COGENTO, Hurricane Electric, MSK-IX, EURASIA-IX, WIX, PITERIX, IHOME, DATAIX, GBLIX, ERTELECOM, VimpelCom (beeline), INETCOM (add AMS-IX if necessary)
more than 1420 direct peers
show route summary
inet.0: 934668 destinations, 11559194 routes
We represent a group of companies specializing in the placement of content generators in the Russian Federation.
What we can offer:
- Any configuration of virtual servers is always available
-Ability to rent additional ip as well as separate subnets (on our equipment)
-Any configuration of dedicated servers both in stock and on order
- Enables in 1Gbit/10Gbit/40Gbit/100Gbit ports
- Loyal attitude to abuse, we help to sleep more calmly, we know how to make the impossible possible
- We ignore such abuses as spamhaus, spamcorp, DMCA, etc.
- ability to connect antiDDoS at levels l3-l7
-possibility to connect WAF
Why are we:
- we know how to work in the Russian Federation and understand your needs
- we have solid experience with specific highload services, including VIDEO STREAMING, Bulletproof Servers and VPS
- we are ready to give the best offer in the Russian Federation via communication channels
- we have experience deploying large (200Gbit+) broadcasting complexes based on HP7000C+3par 7400
- we understand what a budget solution is (yes, there are a number of projects working on SATA HDD / SSD storage and yes, it works)
- individual approach to your project, your conditions and your wishes
What is our network built on?
border routers: Juniper MX960/3x SCBE2/2xRE-1800x4-32GB , PTX10001-36MR, MX10003, PTX10002-60C
access routers: juniper MX204
backbone switching: arista network 7280CR3 series
access switching: arista network 7280SE-7260CX/juniper QFX5100-5120/ex4550
antiddos: A10NETWORK TPS + Mitigator (BIFIT) (fstack level 4 certification) + flowspec from a number of uplinks
DWDM systems: FIBO
Current connectivity: RETN, RASCOM, GBLNET, DDOSGUARD, COGENTO, Hurricane Electric, MSK-IX, EURASIA-IX, WIX, PITERIX, IHOME, DATAIX, GBLIX, ERTELECOM, VimpelCom (beeline), INETCOM (add AMS-IX if necessary)
more than 1420 direct peers
show route summary
inet.0: 934668 destinations, 11559194 routes