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How to Make BANK with TeslaHits! (Full Guide/Method)


Turn-Based Strategist
T Rep
T Vouches
LEVEL 1 200 XP
Hey guys, today I'm going to show you how to make a lot of money with Teslahits. Teslahits is a brand new traffic exchange that is browser based. Right now they are still very new, but they are already doing very well with over 5,000 VPS's running. I've been testing it for the past few days and it works quite well. Here's the method I have been using :
Step 1:
Join Teslahits and make an account here :
Step 2:
I recommend joining Teslahits using my ref link above because I'm giving everyone a "free of charge" method to earn with Teslahits. Unlike other members who make you use their ref link in order to get the method, I'm giving it to everyone for free
Step 3:
The main thing you will do with this method is put in YouTube videos in the system. For you to make money, however, you must have these videos monetized. Monetized videos play ads which will pay you per impression you receive.
Step 4:
If you don't already have YouTube Account that is partnered with a YT network, do so ASAP. I would highly recommend partnering with FullScreenhttps://www.fullscreen.com/]https://www.fullscreen.com/
For information on HOW to get partnered with Fullscreen, check out my other thread here :
Step 5:
If you don't already have a YouTube Account that is partnered, you will need to start sending views to your videos even though they aren't monetized. You obviously have to make everything look legit, so make sure to purchase some subscribers and maybe some likes. I'd recommend purchasing from he has been my supplier for many months and he has always over delivered!
Step 6:
Once your YouTube Account is partnered, start uploading videos and make sure that you monetize them! It's best to upload videos that are at LEAST 5 Minutes long, and preferably 10 minutes long. (The reason to upload longer videos is that there's a higher chance of a "pre-roll" ad playing before your video, and those ads pay the most
If you don't know how to make videos/don't have the resources to upload videos, you can get cheap videos made specifically for you by one of your very own TBN members
offering the following awesome service :
Mylolmania said: http://thebot.net/goto/post?id=3478358#post-3478358
Hey guys,
for all the people on here wondering how to make good videos (or those who are actually to lazy):
You can now buy Unique Gameplays in my http://thebot.net/threads/ć£ā—”ā—”ā—”-ć£-ā™„-gameplay-shop-by-mlm-ā™„.320666/!
The prices are really cheap, and even the "Unique Gameplays" or "Random Gameplays" are perfectly made for this method.
Have a nice day everyone, and thanks to http://thebot.net/members/62560/ who allowed me to post this here
Payment proof from :
http://thebot.net/members/153909/ fdaily said: http://thebot.net/goto/post?id=3610163#post-3610163
ayy lmao
Here's my Analytics stats since I've been using can see from the image below that I'm making hardly any money, but that's because I was skeptical at first and didn't want to spend a ton of time and money on Teslahits if it didn't work!
To make this much, I only spent $4, so I tripled my money!
Below is some proof from a friend of mine who went all in with Teslahits!!
As you can see, my friend made a VERY good amount of money, and he also spent much less than he earned!
Here's more earnings from another one of my friends
Even more earnings!!!!
Some CRAZY earnings from various members on TBN :
smokim87 said: http://thebot.net/goto/post?id=3612863#post-3612863
New channel with a new network, few days before the end of the month, looking like the shaving is going to be pretty low
KodyisKing said: http://thebot.net/goto/post?id=3612875#post-3612875
http://thebot.net/members/62560/(yours truly)
If you have any questions, be sure to leave them down below and TAG me so I can see your question sooner!!
Thanks for reading my guide everyone



