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300 XP
Gridcoin is a great project that allows you to earn money for helping great causes, such as fighting AIDS and strengthening encryption.
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to set up BOINC, how to get a gridcoin wallet and the best ways to earn Gridcoin for people in different situations. This is all for the VERY reasonable price of just 5 cents (50 BMF) - and yes, there are tutorials out there that are free, but they don't really provide good recommendations - it took me ages to finally figure out from piecing bits of information strewn across the internet what the best way to earn is. The way the official tutorial recommends would mean you'd have to wait about 30 years before you get your first reward! This tutorial pays within 24 hours. You'll earn at the VERY least 2 GRC within 3 days with my tutorial - at current value, that would refund you the price of this tutorial. The more you have, the more you compute, the more you'll earn!
Setting up BOINC
In the beginning, there was BOINC. The BOINC project was created by the University of California, Berkeley. It's been around since 2002, and allows anyone around the world to contribute their computer's spare time to help cure diseases, solve immense mathematical problems, and more. It's easy to get started:
If you are going to start by investing into the cryptocurrency, you'll need to buy the GRC now. To do this you can use one of the exchanges listed You must buy at least 2000GRC - that should allow you to stake once a week, meaning you'll get rewards once a week. You will need to leave your computer on with the wallet open and unencrypted all the time to stake.
If you aren't (or if you are and you just want an extra bit of free GRC), we'll acquire your first Gridcoin by simply claiming from faucets. But these are better than the ones you're used to - these ones are community funded. The faucets available are as follows: - (available internationally) - -
UScore's newsletter also supposedly gives GRC, but it didn't work for me. Try it yourself if you want:
Use the address in the "Receive" tab of your GRC wallet. From the faucets, you'll earn about 0.7GRC a day, which after 3 days equals 2.1 GRC. You can claim once a day on each faucet, unless the faucet is empty.
One last thing to do if you are solo crunching
If you are pool mining, ignore this - there's still some more set up to do.
To begin staking, you need to advertise your beacon. To do this, click on help, debug window, then go to the console tab and use command "advertisebeacon". This costs a tiny amount of GRC. And that's it! You're done. Simply allow BOINC to compute, and your wallet to stake. You should leave your PC on 24/7 in order to do this.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Happy crunching!
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Happy crunching!
Setting up the pool cruncher.
I am a user of the GRCpool. I will now show you how to set up the pool. This is completely free.
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to set up BOINC, how to get a gridcoin wallet and the best ways to earn Gridcoin for people in different situations. This is all for the VERY reasonable price of just 5 cents (50 BMF) - and yes, there are tutorials out there that are free, but they don't really provide good recommendations - it took me ages to finally figure out from piecing bits of information strewn across the internet what the best way to earn is. The way the official tutorial recommends would mean you'd have to wait about 30 years before you get your first reward! This tutorial pays within 24 hours. You'll earn at the VERY least 2 GRC within 3 days with my tutorial - at current value, that would refund you the price of this tutorial. The more you have, the more you compute, the more you'll earn!
Setting up BOINC
In the beginning, there was BOINC. The BOINC project was created by the University of California, Berkeley. It's been around since 2002, and allows anyone around the world to contribute their computer's spare time to help cure diseases, solve immense mathematical problems, and more. It's easy to get started:
- First, to download BOINC. I recommend you download the one with VirtualBox included.
- Then, install BOINC, by following the instructions.
- Now, click on "View", then "Advanced View".
- It will now ask you to add a project, but you should click "Cancel" here, as we shall be using an account manager.
- Create an account with!.
- When logged in, on the left sidebar, click on "Sign up for projects".
- Now, choose a project. To sign up for it, click the paperclip.
- Choose your project carefully. You MUST choose one of the ones at if you wish to earn GRC.
- Ensure the project has enough work units, and has a minimal amount of people in it. You can use to identify both.
- When the project is attached, you should then choose a team. Click on "Teams" on the sidebar.
- Then, check the box for the project you have selected, and click "Change/join team".
- Enter a team name. If you want to earn GRC, you MUST join team "Gridcoin". Then click on search.
- You should see a different screen, with a drop down next to the project name. In the drop down, select the team name you want. Gridcoin's team appears as Gridcoin (International) on my screen.
- When you've chosen your team, you can then sign into BOINC with your new account manager. Go to BOINC, then click on "Tools", then "Use account manager..."
- BAM! should be auto-selected. If it isn't, select it. Then click next.
- Now sign in with your BAM! account details.
- When it's synchronised with BAM!, click Finish, then go to tools and then synchronize again (it should be the top menu item).
- You are now crunching, which is how you can earn GRC. You should make sure to go to "Options -> Computing Preferences" to set when and how you want BOINC to compute. Now we'll set up the wallet.
- Go to and download & install the appropriate version for you.
- Open the wallet.
- (Ignore this if you are pool mining) You'll be asked to enter an email - use the one that you set up with BOINCstatsBAM!. This is how GRC will detect what work you've done so it can reward you.
- (Ignore this if you are solo mining) If you are going to mine on the pool, click cancel.
- Now we need to sync your wallet. You can do this the slow way and wait it out, or we can speed it up - Close your wallet client,, and extract it into the config area. On Windows, you can find this by pressing Windows Key+R then typing %appdata%/GridcoinResearch
- Now open you wallet client again, and allow it to complete the rest of the blockchain. You should see the number of blocks rise. Do not continue until the blockchain has finished syncing - You'll see a green tick on the left when it has.
If you are going to start by investing into the cryptocurrency, you'll need to buy the GRC now. To do this you can use one of the exchanges listed You must buy at least 2000GRC - that should allow you to stake once a week, meaning you'll get rewards once a week. You will need to leave your computer on with the wallet open and unencrypted all the time to stake.
If you aren't (or if you are and you just want an extra bit of free GRC), we'll acquire your first Gridcoin by simply claiming from faucets. But these are better than the ones you're used to - these ones are community funded. The faucets available are as follows: - (available internationally) - -
UScore's newsletter also supposedly gives GRC, but it didn't work for me. Try it yourself if you want:
Use the address in the "Receive" tab of your GRC wallet. From the faucets, you'll earn about 0.7GRC a day, which after 3 days equals 2.1 GRC. You can claim once a day on each faucet, unless the faucet is empty.
One last thing to do if you are solo crunching
If you are pool mining, ignore this - there's still some more set up to do.
To begin staking, you need to advertise your beacon. To do this, click on help, debug window, then go to the console tab and use command "advertisebeacon". This costs a tiny amount of GRC. And that's it! You're done. Simply allow BOINC to compute, and your wallet to stake. You should leave your PC on 24/7 in order to do this.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Happy crunching!
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Happy crunching!
Setting up the pool cruncher.
I am a user of the GRCpool. I will now show you how to set up the pool. This is completely free.
- Go to and sign up. Your researcher name will be visible to the public.
- You'll be taken to the login page - you don't have a 2fa token, so leave it blank.
- Now go to BOINC, then click on "Tools", then "Use account manager..."
- At the bottom of the new window, you should see "Account manager URL". Remove whatever is in the box next to it, enter and then click next.
- Now sign in with your GRCPool account details. The username is your researcher name.
- When it's synchronised with GRCPool, click Finish.
- Now go back to the pool website dashboard, and refresh. You should see you now have 1 host. If you don't, click on tools and then synchronize again (it should be the top menu item). If you still don't see it, try going on tools, click "Stop using", then repeat steps 3-6.
- Now we can add some projects. Go to "hosts", and then select the computer you just attached in the table.
- Then, go to the bottom box (that should say Projects for Pool #X, where X is a number) and select one or more projects to attach by using the dropdown. Click "choose" after each project you want to attach.
- Choose your project carefully.
- Ensure the project has enough work units, and has a minimal amount of people in it. You can use to identify both.
- Then, click "Save Project Settings".
- Now go back to BOINC, and click on "Tools", then "Synchronize with". You should see the projects you just added.
- Now go to "Options" -> "Computing preferences" and set it up as you wish and click OK.
- Now go to the "Tasks" Tab, and wait for all of the projects you selected to run. When they are running, click on "Tools", then "Synchronize with" again. The warnings on the host page should disappear when you refresh it.
- Let BOINC crunch some tasks. Once it has finished a task, it may take up to 48 hours to pick it up. Then, when you have about 1 GRC owed to you on the pool, you can withdraw. Use this video guide to help: