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Improve your Skills (be professional) Guide (German/Englisch)


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Ich finde da ist alles einfach perfekt beschrieben und will das auch mit euch teilen.
Wird allerdings einiges an Zeit beanspruchen und nach und nach immer wieder hinzugefügt.
Außer ich merke es lohnt sich nicht die Mühe zu machen und keiner von euch will das nutzen.
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Mid lane is one of the lanes that’s very popular among the players. Everyone knows that from the middle lane you can roam to anywhere on the map and help your team to win the game, but the lane is so popular that most people don’t even know why they want to play it.
This article will cover what the mid laner must do to improve his position in ranked solo queue, what champions are the best in the meta right now, how to play them, etc.

Since the mid lane is relatively close to everything in the game, some of the mid lane champions can roam from as early as level 6. This is a very important fact because making plays around the map contributes to increasing your team’s advantage and maybe will be enough to carry you and your team mates through the early and mid game by making your enemies have to play more reactively and thus not be able to make any plays happen. To be able to roam safely, however, you have to use wards so that you know where your enemies are. If you are playing an assassin, wards can be also used offensively as you see your opponents and can take a shot at their well being while knowing that they have no immediate back up from their mates.
Knowing when to push or when to let your minions be pushed is also important to mid laners. Pushing means that your enemy cannot help their jungler without losing minions when your jungler, top laner or bottom lane duo invades the enemy jungle to ward, get a buff or kill some enemies while you can go without losing anything. Another use for a pushed wave is when your jungler gives you a buff. By pushing the wave you won’t lose minions while killing the buff-wielding neutral monster. Pushing also allows you to put up wards, possibly where enemies don’t know since the opponent won’t be able to keep vision on you for the whole time that you are missing.
Letting the enemy push the wave is important when you are behind so that you can receive help from your team, but be careful when you let the enemy push you in because they might want to dive you with the help of their team. In case the enemy leaves the lane after pushing the wave you should tell your team mates that they are missing so that they know what to expect. This is possible only if the enemy’s health is bigger than 75% since no one would pull off a gank with less health than that because of the possibility that they get counter ganked by the opposing jungler and they end up dying. Even if you are being constantly pushed in, you should still ward, but not in the same positions. When you are pushing the wave you should place offensive wards, in the enemy jungle, while when you are pushed you should place defensive wards in your own jungle. Neutral wards, the ones on river, are also important. Usually, those will be pink wards and in the bush between the mid lane and the dragon.
When you roam you should be careful of your positioning because it differs in each scenario. If you group with your team to contest an objective than you should assume a defensive position if you are a mage, while if you are playing an assassin you should try to either flank your enemies, which can be very dangerous early in the game if you do not have the necessary wards, or you can be close to the frontline, enough to be able to engage the fight at the right time, but not enough for your enemies to be able to initiate the fight by landing crowd control on your champion. If you are roaming for a kill, then you should be in an offensive position at all times since you are the factor that decides the fight and you have to make your presence felt immediately for the gank to be successful.
Generally, everything that you do on the mid lane has consequences, so you have to be careful at all times and try to make the right choices.
Usually, the mid lane champions are either mages or assassins, but there can also be marksmen such as Ezreal and Varus.
At the moment, the meta revolves around poke and strong crowd control, this shows very much in the mid lane champion pool, the most played champions being Ahri, Viktor, Twisted Fate and Orianna. Even though all of them have a potential for burst, only one of them is an assassin. All of them have things that make them great all around. Ahri, as the assassin, has great mobility and good, frequent burst damage, single target crowd control and decent wave clear, while the mages all have great wave clear, decent burst ( the damage is good, but the number of times they can use it in a game is certainly lower than what an assassin can pull off), area of effect crowd control that’s on a rather short cool down and they have the ability to turn a fight depending on how they use their kits. Even if these are the most popular champions in the meta, this doesn’t mean that in solo queue people won’t pick something to counter your pick, so you have to be careful and think about all the possibilities before picking your champion. Playing against a champion that counters your pick is often very hard because you will have to play more defensively so that you don’t die and give them a lot of advantage.
Usually, champions with a lot of crowd control can beat Ahri even with her good mobility, but these aren’t the only ones that can achieve this feat. Champions with fast burst such as Talon are also good against her because she might not be fast enough or it might not be enough to stop the assassin. Ahri is great versus champions with poor early game such as Azir, Viktor, Orianna and Cassiopeia because once she charms them, they will get chunked for at least half health and they’ll have to play defensively until they get their health back so that they cannot be killed without having to spend a lot of resources on them.
Viktor is used very much because of the fact that he doesn’t have very many matchups where he straight up loses because of the versatility of his kit. Melee assassins whose damage ramps up over time susch as Zed cannot kill him because of Gravity Field’s stun and Siphon Power’s shield, while poke champions sometimes get out-traded by the immense damage on Death Ray. Keep in mind that if you upgrade Death Ray by purchasing a Hex Core upgrade, it will deal double damage, not instantly, but it is still a lot of damage. The matchups that Viktor loses are against ranged, mobile assassins such as Ahri and poke champions with a very long range such as Kog’Maw. Even if he beats some melee assassins, this doesn’t mean he beats all of them, having a very hard time against Talon and Diana. Viktor is great versus champions with an early game that’s poorer than his such as Azir, but he is also capable of beating Cassiopeia by outranging her, the same can be said about his matchup against Orianna. When against Twisted Fate, the difference between them isn’t felt early game because both of them have a very long range, so they can avoid skirmishes, but during team fights Viktor destroys Twisted Fate because if he focuses all his damage on a single target he can deal as much or even more than an assassin.
Twisted Fate has a very hard time laning against assassins because of the fact that he’s very squishy. He has to avoid fights at all costs because he loses all of them unless the enemy misses their skills. Besides assassins there aren’t any champions that can beat Twisted Fate in the laning phase because of his enormous range that allows him to farm safely until laning phase is over. He does well against champions who farm very ineffectively under tower such as Azir and against champions whose range is lower than his such as Orianna and Cassiopeia. During the laning phase it’s the perfect time for Twisted Fate to use Destiny to help out his team mates or extend the lead they have.
Orianna is a champion that’s always been played in solo queue and competitively because she’s the jack of all trades being able to do everything she has to do to win the game. The matchups she’s countered in are against assassins, champions with long range and mobile champions in general. If her enemies are mobile then she isn’t able to use her ultimate reliably since they might dodge it and so she loses a big part of her damage. Orianna is winning matchups where her enemies are having a range lower than her and aren’t mobile. By having a lower range than she does, they are going to get poked the whole time they are trying to farm and thus she’ll have the health advantage while also being able to zone her enemy, thus achieving an experience lead as well as gold lead.
Now that you know what champions to pick and how their matchups go, it’s time to talk about what they can do after the laning phase is over.
The mid game and late game are the moments where most mid lane champions shine because all of them have great scaling and are very useful to their teams.
Ahri is a champion that thrives on the moment an enemy champion is careless so that she can assassinate them and continue split pushing or forcing a team fight where the enemy team is at disadvantage. The best position Ahri can be in is a flanking position because this way she’ll be able to land her spells on priority targets without being interrupted by enemies.
Viktor and Orianna are both champions that do best during team fights because of their area of effect abilities and utility that they bring on the table. Viktor’s Death Ray and Chaos Storm as well as Orianna’s Command: Dissonance and Command: Shockwave should be used to hit as many enemies as possible while Viktor’s Siphon Power is used to deal a lot of damage to a single, important target and Orianna’s Command: Attack is used to position the ball while also dealing damage. Gravity Field, Command: Dissonance, Command: Shockwave and Command: Protect bring in a lot of utility. The upgraded Gravity Field works almost as Command: Shockwave does because it pulls in enemies. Orianna’s abilities give movement speed, slow, knock back and a shield that gets rather big with a lot of Ability Power.
Twisted Fate is best used as a second split pusher while the jungler, marksman and support push the middle lane. Having two split pushers against a team that has only one is great because if they send someone to deal with the minion wave that you push to the turret, they will be at a disadvantage on another lane so your team will take advantage of that and take objectives such as towers, vision or neutral monsters. When team fights happen you have to make sure that your Destiny is used well since if you position it wrong you will die instantly and will not do anything good for your team during that fight. If Destiny is well positioned then you will be able to dish out a lot of damage and crowd control. It’s better to use red card when there’s no enemy chasing you so that you can damage more enemies at once and also slow them, but if a priority target is near you or if you are being chased by an enemy assassin or fighter then you should use gold card to stop them while dealing a considerable amount of damage. During the late game Twisted Fate has enough damage to burst marksmen with no magic resistance, but that depends on if Stacked Deck is charged and ready to land because it deals a lot of damage, 155 + 0.5*AP which in combination with Pick a Card’s gold card deals 45 + AD + 0.5*AP. This is around 300 damage without any Ability Power. In combination with Lich Bane and the rest of Ability Power that you have, it can easily deal over 1000 damage.
These champions use similar runes and masteries because they are all using Ability Power and all of them deal magical damage, but some have differences that help them do well.
The differences are only visible because of the runes they use, because the masteries are pretty much the same for all of them. They all use 21/0/9 masteries taking Sorcery, Butcher, Feast, Mental Force, Arcane Mastery, Executioner, Archmage, Dangerous Game, Devastating Strikes and Havoc in the Offense tree and Phasewalker, Expanded Mind, Summoner’s Insight, Alchemist and Culinary Master in the Utility tree.
Ahri, Orianna and Viktor use Greater Marks of Magic Penetration, Greater Seals of Scaling Health, Greater Glyphs of Scaling Cooldown reduction and Greater Quintessences of Ability Power. These runes help them be durable while increasing their instant damage and decreasing the cool down of their spells. Having decreased spell cool downs help them chunk their enemies more frequently or even burst them. Dealing damage isn’t the only thing that cool down reduction runes help since they also allow them to use their utility abilities more frequently. Using those abilities as frequently as possible is very good for them and their teams because these abilities can turn fights in the allied team’s advantage.
Twisted Fate has two possible rune pages that he can choose from depending on what play style the player adopts that game. If the player sits on lane more, they can choose the same runes that Ahri, Orianna and Viktor use, else they can swap the Glyphs to Greater Glyphs of Scaling Ability Power and the Quintessences to Greater Quintessences of Movement Speed. These runes will allow Twisted Fate to roam better since the extra movement speed will get him in range of using Destiny to get to the perfect spot.
Let’s discuss item builds for most popular mid lane champions in current meta which you should use to boost your ranked position.
Ahri is a champion that tends to build as much damage as possible, often going for Luden’s Echo icon Luden’s Echo or Abyssal Scepter as first items because of the extra damage they provide, but if the lane isn’t going too well she can opt for Morellonomicon or Athene's Unholy Grail icon Athene’s Unholy Grail as first item. The optimal build for Ahri is Luden’s Echo, Sorcerer Shoes, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Void Staff, Zhonya’s Hourglass and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter because these items provide the most Ability Power possible, thus letting Ahri reach the most damage she can deal. Something very important for Ahri is switching the Warding Totem to a Sweeping Lens as soon as possible because there’s no point waiting to assassinate someone if they aleady see you.
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The solo top is one of the most hard roles in a League of Legends game. However they are threats to the enemy damage dealers, but not only to them as they can play a split push heavy style that will destroy a lot of the enemy base if left unattended.
To do well on top lane there are important things that you have to look out for: champion picking, your role in the game, itemization, etc.

In the current meta-game the most picked top lane champions are Riven, Irelia, Gnar and Shen, but there are also other picks such as Fizz, Rumble and Vladimir that are viable. Gangplank is also picked very often, but this might be because of his rework since he used to have less than 5% pick rate before and his win rate is awful at the moment having only 42.2% win percent.
The four champions named earlier are some of the best picks in Solo Queue because they have great laning phases, good split pushing and they do rather well in team fights. Even if a champion is mainly a split push threat such as Irelia is, she is still decent at team fighting since her damage might take out an enemy damage dealer or at least keep them away from the battle.
Knowing what champion to pick and when is great for your success. Analyzing the enemy team is imperative in knowing what you should choose since they might have answers for what you want to pick and you will have a hard time from the beginning of the game. For example, if you pick Riven without analyzing the enemy team and then you see that they had a Shen, you will probably not be able to take advantage of Riven’s great laning phase since Shen has a shield and great sustain while you only have the shield. Shen is going to play defensively and let the minion wave push into his tower so he can try to taunt you and then trade really effectively under tower. Another example is an Irelia pick versus a disengage heavy team. You might do well in the laning phase because Irelia is one of the strongest laners in the game, but team fights are going to happen in each game and if you aren’t able to get to the enemy carries then you might lose the fights and probably the game too. If the enemy team has a lot of disengage then you should pick very mobile champions such as Riven or Fizz because even if they can disengage from the fight, the huge mobility these champions have will let them get back to their enemies very quickly and keep dealing a lot of damage. Against poke compositions champions with engaging tools are great, champions that work well in these conditions are Irelia, Gnar and Rumble. Even if Rumble is not a melee champion with hard crowd control, he can still initiate fights very well with the use of Equalizer ® which, if placed well, can slow down the whole enemy team while melting their health bars.
Runes and masteries are very important, no matter what lane you play on or what you do in the game. They are different depending on which top lane champion you are playing.
Fighters such as Irelia, Riven and Gnar go for 21/9/0 masteries, taking Fury for Irelia and Gnar, while Riven takes Sorcery, Butcher and Feast, Brute Force, Martial Mastery, Executioner, Dangerous Game, Spell Weaving and Blade Weaving, one point in Warlord, Devastating Strikes and Havoc for the Offensive tree and Recovery, Block, Unyielding, Veteran’s Scars and Juggernaut for the defensive tree. These masteries help these champions that are heavily focused on split push to take advantage of their great laning phase by increasing their damage output as much as possible. Irelia and Gnar prefer Fury over Sorcery because their basic attacks are very important as Gnar needs three basic attacks for Hyper to activate and Irelia’s Hiten Style increases her damage per hit for a duration of time. Riven needs Sorcery because with it she makes better use of her passive ability, Runic Blade which increases the next basic attack’s damage by a flat amount each time she uses an ability.
While they use almost the same masteries, the runes they take are a bit different. Irelia uses Greater Marks of Attack Damage, 3 Greater Seals of Health, 6 Greater Seals of Armor, 5 Greater Glyphs of Magic Resist and 4 Greater Glyphs of Scaling Magic Resist and Greater Quintessences of Attack Speed. Riven uses Greater Marks of Attack Damage, Greater Seals of Armor, Greater Glyphs of Cooldown Reduction and Greater Quintessences of Attack Damage. Gnar’s preferred masteries are Greater Marks of Attack Damage, 5 Greater Seals of Health, 4 Greater Seals of Armor, Greater Glyphs of Magic Resist and Greater Quintessences of Attack Damage. As stated earlier, the runes are different to suit each champion’s needs. Riven uses flat armor runes because her shield adds the health already, while Irelia uses health runes because in the early game, until minute 14 or so, it’s the best defensive statistic.
Shen, even if he’s a tank, can take any of the two mastery trees from above, but also has two viable trees which are 9/21/0. The defensive tree stays the same on both trees and it consists of Block, Recovery, Unyielding, Veteran’s Scars, Juggernaut, Hardiness, Resistance, Perseverance, two points in Enchanted Armor and Legendary Guardian. The offense tree consists of Sorcery or Fury, any of them works well, Brute Force, Double-edged Sword and Martial Mastery. The defensive masteries help Shen survive better early on and the offensive tree helps him farm in the early game. Because of the fact that his base Attack Damage is so low, he needs them to be able to kill minions under tower.
Shen’s runes are: Greater Marks of Attack Damage, Greater Seals of Armor, Greater Glyphs of Magic Resist and Greater Quintessences of Attack Speed. These runes favour Shen’s early game farming and sustain because each time he uses a basic attack on a target on which he used Vorpal Blade, he’ll gain an instant heal tick.
Vladimir and Rumble can use the same mastery page, both of them use 21/9/0 taking Sorcery, Butcher, Mental Force, Feast, Arcane Mastery, Executioner, Archmage, Dangerous Game, Devastating Strikes and Havoc. The defensive tree has the usual masteries: Block, Recovery, Unyielding, Veteran’s Scars and Juggernaut. These masteries increase the overall damage they can deal, but masteries such as Feast, Dangerous Game and Recovery also help their sustain.
These two champions use almost the same runes, with the exception of Glyphs. Both of them use Greater Marks of Magic Penetration, Greater Seals of Scaling Health and Greater Quintessences of Ability Power. Vladimir uses Greater Glyphs of Scaling Cooldown Reduction while Rumble uses Greater Glyphs of scaling Ability Power. Similarly to the fighter runes, these help them deal as much damage as they can early on.
To be able to perform well, you have to buy the most effective items for each slot in your inventory. Even if the champions play on the same lane, they are in need of different items.
Irelia’s core item is Trinity Force because it gives her everything she needs. Attack Damage, Health, Attack Speed, the unique passive and more. After this item Irelia either goes for Zephyr or Blade of the Ruined King if she’s very ahead or builds tanky items such as Randuin’s Omen, Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage or other items that suit the purpose of making you bulkier.
Riven is often built full damage with one defensive item, often being Guardian Angel. The first item Riven should build is Brutalizer, but she won’t finish it until later in the game because Youmuu’s Ghostblade isn’t that helpful to her. Other damage items that are good for Riven are Ravenous Hydra, which is probably the most important item on her, Last Whisper, The Black Cleaver and Maw of Malmortius if needed. In case the enemy team has a lot of crowd control Riven can go for Mercurial Scimitar and in case the enemy team doesn’t have much crowd control nor magic damage then Riven can buy The Bloodthirster. These items give Riven all the damage she needs and enough effective health to survive battles.
Gnar is a champion that is building very tanky items, often having only one item that benefits his damage, but if he’s ahead he can go for two. The only damage items Gnar makes use of are The Black Cleaver and Frozen Mallet. These two items make his split pushing great because the enemy laner has no chance of out-trading him since his damage is immense after three hits land. After building the damage item(s), Gnar goes full tank by building items appropriate to the damage threats on the enemy team.
Shen builds very tanky early on and often gets his only damage item between the last items if at all. In case Shen is against a physical damage threat he goes for Sunfire Cape as the first item because it also helps him split push. If Shen is against a magical damage threat then he buys Spirit Visage as first item. After he gets tanky enough, Shen can choose from Trinity Force and Blade of the Ruined King as damage items. These items help him split push and they also help him be more of a threat during team fights by increasing his damage.
Rumble’s core items are Liandry’s Torment and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter. Because of the crowd control he has and the way he deals damage, he makes full use of it. Abyssal Scepter and Zhonya’s Hourglass are other two very important items, often, if facing a team with a lot of magical damage, Rumble can build Abyssal Scepter early, before Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, and if the enemy team has much physical damage then he can build Zhonya’s Hourglass early. A little trick that Rumble can do with Zhonya’s Hourglass is that he can use Flamespitter and Zhonya’s Hourglass afterwards to keep spitting flames while being invulnerable. Another very important item for Rumble is Void Staff. Because of the huge amount of damage in his ability kit, it makes enemies take big amounts of it in a little amount of time. After building penetration and Zhonya’s Hourglass, Rumble can go for Rabadon’s Deathcap.
Vladimir, being a champion with a lot of self sustain from his abilities, makes great use of Will of the Ancients, especially after the changes to it which made the healing even better by calculating the healed amount before enemy resistances reduce the damage dealt. This is Vladimir’s core item which lets him split push a lot by not having to go back to base because of low health and it also saves him the gold which he would use on potions. In case Vladimir plays against heavy magical damage champions, then his second item should be Abyssal Scepter, else he buys Zhonya’s Hourglass. Void Staff and Rabadon’s Deathcap don’t have an order of buying because it depends on how much magic resist the enemy team itemizes.
Top lane champions have different roles. Some are assassins, some are tanks and others are mages. Most top laners are split pushers when team fights aren’t going on and that’s why every top laner uses Teleport besides Flash as summoner spell.
Irelia and Riven are dangerous split pushers that during team fights turn into assassins that try to take care of the enemy damage dealers as fast as possible. They are usually being stunned, knocked back, slowed or controlled in other kind of ways, but even if their job seems hard, they still have to at least try to do it because by doing this they keep away the enemy damage dealers and they help their team mates to come out on top. By keeping the enemies away they lower the potential damage they can deal and this can lead to objectives or even the game.
Gnar and Shen are split pushers that act as tanks during team fights. They are both champions that can be played reactively and proactively because of their kits. Gnar can try to use his ultimate, GNAR!, either when the enemy team engages onto his team, thus either disengaging from the fight or putting his enemies at disadvantage by starting the fight stunned or in a position that favors Gnar’s team, but he can also try to use Flash or Hop/Crunch to get close enough to the enemy team so that he can use GNAR! and initiate a fight. Shen is able to either use his ultimate, Stand United, to react to how the already began fight is going or he can use Shadow Dash to taunt key targets for his team to dispose of.
Rumble and Vladimir are champions who can deal huge amounts of damage, so the timing and position of their Teleport has to be perfect for them to do the best they can in a fight because even if they are being played with a fairly tanky build, they are still squishier than a tank and their ability kits aren’t made for tanking nor for escaping bad situations. As I said, positioning with these two is key. The perfect spot for them to be during a team fight is behind the front line, but at a range that’s close enough for their abilities to work. Rumble is able to initiate fights by using his ultimate, Equalizer, but without proper placement or without a team to follow it, it will be a wasted opportunity so I recommend pinging when you try to place an ultimate so that your team mates know that they should follow it if it’s a good one. While Rumble’s ultimate is a way of initiating a fight or slowing down opponents, Vladimir’s ultimate is great at dealing lots of damage and increasing the damage of his team mates. A well positioned ultimate combined with all the friendly abilities and basic attacks will ensure that a lot of damage is dealt during the timeframe in which enemies are infected by Hemoplague. Even if 12% doesn’t seem like a big deal, the total damage output is great.
Pushing a lane while being separated from your team doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it’s more than that to it. Being safe while doing so and making sure that your team mates know what to do while you are split pushing are very important things because if they aren’t respected then you will be at a disadvantage while doing so.
Im more details you can read about it in the split pushing guide - coming soon.
To split push safely you have to keep areas of the map near the lane you push warded. The easiest way to do this is by upgrading the Warding Totem to Greater Stealth Totem because it’s a miniature version of Sightstone that gives you access to two wards but doesn’t give you any health. Buying a pink ward and placing it somewhere the minions won’t go past is great because this way you have your back covered while pushing and the only areas you have to ward are the ones at the same level as you or deeper into enemy territory. These wards will make you and your team see the enemy team when they approach your position so that you can take advantage of their movement. While enemies come to your position, as split pusher you have to back off and wait for them to leave before you can push any longer, while your allies should take an objective, either a buff, a dragon, Nashor or a tower. To make sure that your allies know what to do when you are split pushing, you should tell them that you will be split pushing and that they shouldn’t try to fight or try to get an objective until the enemies leave towards your position. Even if this seems like common sense, even in the LCS there have been matches where teams wouldn’t be coordinated enough to take advantage of enemy movement.
Even if split pushing is a very important thing for top laners, lane phase still exists and it determines which top laner is going to split push more effectively since the one that wins the laning phase will have an easier time while the one who loses will have to attract the enemy top laner out of lane by trying to make plays with their team.
There are different matchups, these can be winning matchups where your champion is at advantage, equal matchups where neither party can win, skill matchup where the winner is determined by their skill and losing matchup where your champion is at disadvantage.
Most top laners that are popular in today’s meta do well in a multitude of matchups, but all champions have downsides, even if for some of them these downsides aren’t well sketched in the laning phase.
Irelia, Gnar and Riven are champions whose skill determines all of their laning phase matchups, even the ones against champions such as Jax who are terrifying in 1 versus 1 scenarios. Their mobility, crowd control or range in Gnar’s situation are enough to make their enemies have a hard time trying to beat them.
Shen is great against champions whose early game and mid game is good because once he gets one or two items he almost won’t receive any damage, but if he’s against other tanks such as Maokai where he won’t be able to trade effectively nor scale better than them, he won’t be able to split push well.
Rumble and Vladimir are weak against champions that can get to them quickly because their defensive statistics are very bad early on and thus they won’t be able to resist the damage they take and they’ll have to stay safe for the whole laning phase, meaning that they will lose many minions and they won’t be able to split push well. They are very good against tanks because even if they can reach Rumble or Vladimir easily, they won’t have enough damage and they will lose the trades.
In conclusion, if you follow this guide and train with the champions stated above, you will be able to play top lane very well.



