Brand Collaboration Expert
200 XP
Hey guys. I know, installling assemblies from github or local its little boring. On L# you can see the "install button" - just click and assembliy is automaticaly installing (you must have been turn on L#)
Sometimes this button is fc*ed up and now i give you my tutorial.
(1).press winkey + r
(2).type regedit and run
(3).open the computer if it collapsed
(4).right click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT go to new -> key
(5).Now rename the new key to - ls
(6).click on the ls
(7).in the right window do a right click and choose new -> string
(8).rename it to URL Protocol
(9).right click on ls
(10).go to new -> key
(11).rename this key to DefaultIcon (case sensitive)
(12).double click in the right window on the (default)
(13).type in the identification value: "Driver:\Path_to_yourleaguesharp\LeagueSharp.Loader.exe", 0
(14).right click on ls go to new -> key
(15).rename this key to: shell
(16).right click on shell go to new -> key
(17).rename this key to: open
(18).right click on open go to new -> key
(19).rename this key to: command
(20).in the right window double click on (default)
(21).type in the identification value: "Driver:\Path_to_yourleaguesharp\LeagueSharp.Loader.exe" %1
If you have google chrome and install button still dont working, i no have any idea... so if you have google chrome and this is not work dont give me - (minus) rep beacuse i dont have any idea and i try to help that what i only can.
Edited by arsen, 14 August 2015 - 03:15 PM.
Sometimes this button is fc*ed up and now i give you my tutorial.
(1).press winkey + r
(2).type regedit and run
(3).open the computer if it collapsed
(4).right click on HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT go to new -> key
(5).Now rename the new key to - ls
(6).click on the ls
(7).in the right window do a right click and choose new -> string
(8).rename it to URL Protocol
(9).right click on ls
(10).go to new -> key
(11).rename this key to DefaultIcon (case sensitive)
(12).double click in the right window on the (default)
(13).type in the identification value: "Driver:\Path_to_yourleaguesharp\LeagueSharp.Loader.exe", 0
(14).right click on ls go to new -> key
(15).rename this key to: shell
(16).right click on shell go to new -> key
(17).rename this key to: open
(18).right click on open go to new -> key
(19).rename this key to: command
(20).in the right window double click on (default)
(21).type in the identification value: "Driver:\Path_to_yourleaguesharp\LeagueSharp.Loader.exe" %1
If you have google chrome and install button still dont working, i no have any idea... so if you have google chrome and this is not work dont give me - (minus) rep beacuse i dont have any idea and i try to help that what i only can.
Edited by arsen, 14 August 2015 - 03:15 PM.