Crypto Influencer
500 XP
TLDR at the bottom. Ill be posting another one shortly if you guys like it.
In order to get out of ELO hell, the champions you play is a major factor. If your in bronze and you are playing azir and feeding like crazy, I wonder why your still in bronze. Sure Bjergsen or Faker can pull of insane pentas with azir, but you, that's a whole different story. You need to first get high in Elo before you try to master any champions with super high difficulty. these are the champions I think you should play in bronze and in some cases silver.
First up is Warwick. I know many of you have played ww when you were like lv 10 and hated him but let me just say something. WW has insane sustane due to his passive and q. And don't get me started on his ult. The ult takes less than half a second to happen which means not even Faker can flash out. You ult the person dealing the most damage in a team fight. While they are suppressed, your team goes in and pownes a**.
Second champ is Taric. I'm not sure if this rework is a good one or a ba one. Anyways, taric is the perfect support for bronze. You have a heal, a stun, a shield (for yourself) and an ult similar to Kayles, If you main support, this champion is perfect to you.
Last champ is Vlad. Sure Vlad is getting reworked soon but I still want to talk about him. Many of you go aggressive with his q and harass the enemies but don't. Use it on minions to cs and gain health back. You can harass with your E (works for before and after the rework) and gain helath back with your q.
For those that are too lazy, heres my tldr.
Play WW, Vlad, and Taric in ranked while you practice high mastery champs like yasio in custiom or in Normal draft. Also I forgot to add, in teamfights you do not engage but try to stay alive to get you a better ranking and preserve that perfect KDA>
In order to get out of ELO hell, the champions you play is a major factor. If your in bronze and you are playing azir and feeding like crazy, I wonder why your still in bronze. Sure Bjergsen or Faker can pull of insane pentas with azir, but you, that's a whole different story. You need to first get high in Elo before you try to master any champions with super high difficulty. these are the champions I think you should play in bronze and in some cases silver.
First up is Warwick. I know many of you have played ww when you were like lv 10 and hated him but let me just say something. WW has insane sustane due to his passive and q. And don't get me started on his ult. The ult takes less than half a second to happen which means not even Faker can flash out. You ult the person dealing the most damage in a team fight. While they are suppressed, your team goes in and pownes a**.
Second champ is Taric. I'm not sure if this rework is a good one or a ba one. Anyways, taric is the perfect support for bronze. You have a heal, a stun, a shield (for yourself) and an ult similar to Kayles, If you main support, this champion is perfect to you.
Last champ is Vlad. Sure Vlad is getting reworked soon but I still want to talk about him. Many of you go aggressive with his q and harass the enemies but don't. Use it on minions to cs and gain health back. You can harass with your E (works for before and after the rework) and gain helath back with your q.
For those that are too lazy, heres my tldr.
Play WW, Vlad, and Taric in ranked while you practice high mastery champs like yasio in custiom or in Normal draft. Also I forgot to add, in teamfights you do not engage but try to stay alive to get you a better ranking and preserve that perfect KDA>