Cognitive Computing Engineer
400 XP
Yo guys i found a new method online to make some super quick money
Guaranteed profit!
You have two options to this method one requires no start up cost and the other a starting investment
the first method is the preferred one and i do it and its made me over 10k
Starting investment:
1. Theres a website called http://colereps.com and they sell 1 to 1 replicas of Trapstar for a fraction of the retail cost
2. Buy in bulk cos they offer a discount
3. List the product on depop/vinted/ebay/facebook as REAL for over 3 times the price
4. Whenever someone orders from you, ship it off to them and keep the profit
Guaranteed profit!
You have two options to this method one requires no start up cost and the other a starting investment
the first method is the preferred one and i do it and its made me over 10k
Starting investment:
1. Theres a website called http://colereps.com and they sell 1 to 1 replicas of Trapstar for a fraction of the retail cost
2. Buy in bulk cos they offer a discount
3. List the product on depop/vinted/ebay/facebook as REAL for over 3 times the price
4. Whenever someone orders from you, ship it off to them and keep the profit