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Trolling a kid crying over 1kRP


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LEVEL 1 400 XP
This is so funny I just had to. LOL I put hide tags so I can see who actually read this. Comment down if you thought this was funny To all them haters, I don't normally troll anybody. This guy started it before I could delete him so I decided to have some fun, as I was bored. Shit maori kid crying because I took 1krp lol
Managed to get his facebook, phone number, email and some of his passwords. What a faggot
Please remember that Riot employees will never ask for your password when assisting you.
[6:12] : fuck you fgt
[6:13] : Hi, can I help you?
[6:13] : Yeah give me my rp back or give me my skins
[6:13] : What are you talking about?
[6:14] : It came up on my fucking acc that you got gifted skins from me kunt if its you or a friend you better give em back or I'll fuck you all up
[6:14] Well I didn't do anything, if it was my friend, then I'll fk him up myself for you.
I only 1 friend knows my password
[6:15]: Where do you live or him tell me right now
Straight Im fucking fuming
dont know who you crossed
or your friend
[6:16]: Calm down mate
He lives in Australia
[6:16] : nigger shut the fuck up
[6:16] Man you're being so rude
[6:17] How would you fucking feel if some kunt got into your acc and sent yourself fucking skins with your own money?
[6:17] : I dunno, It's never happened to me before.
[6:18] : Well its fucking bullshit
I need adress and everything
I'll give him a visit
[6:18] How much did he take?
I'll ask him to give you gift
[6:18]: fuck outta here
dont need no gift
[6:18] Where do you live? He'll send money via mail
[6:19] Dont want and need no money? Just want to know why the fuck this prick decided to help his fucking self!!!!
[6:20] Well, he's a hacker. He's pretty scary. Even I get scared of him
He threatens me if I don't do something, he'll hack my lol acc
I have 3 accs
[6:21] Give me his name, number, where he stays, I'll hack his face with the bottom of my foot multiple times!!!!!!!
[6:22] How old are you?
[6:22] : Fucking 18 kunt just hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[6:22] : If you go there and see him. You'd run away
He's fkin massive and he's 22
[6:23] : I dont run from no kunt Ive done Taek won doe, karate, self defence, kickboxing and muay thai I'll break the fuckers neck
I dont give a fuck if I go to jail atleast I'll have the pleasure of killing the fucking bastard!!!!!!!!!
[6:25] : Why you taking your time?
[6:25] : Because I have to do things
[6:25] : All I want is an adress
[6:26] : Okay, He's at my house. You talk to him
[6:26] : Idgaf who I talk to
[6:26] : nice password
[6:26] : Stfu prick
[6:26] : mad?
[6:26] : so sweet
[6:27] : Will be when I boot your head in where you at cuh!!
fucking think your funny prick
[6:27] : yes
I think i'm funny
I'm having a laugh here with my friend
hes so confused
[6:28] : And fucking what?
Where you at
[6:28] : in your mums house
[6:28] : stop hiding you little bitch
1 outs fgt
[6:28] : I don't hide, I don't like to give my personal information either
unless you know how to hack, good luck finding me.
[6:29] : I'll drop you like your mum did when you were born kunt
[6:29] : that's cool my mom died when she gave birth
so she couldn't of dropped me
[6:29] : You fucking drop kick
idgaf fuck your mum'
glad the bitch is dead
[6:29]: not nice
[6:29]: You fucker
You're next!
[6:29]: okay
wanna duo?
[6:30]: I dont want to fucking duo with you you muppet!
[6:30]: y not
[6:31]: Buddies from the deep web will come give you a holla if you want?
[6:31]: https://www.facebook.com/rj.hiku?fref=ts
Nice facebook
[6:31]: Advise you to sleep with your eyes open everynight for the rest of your life fgt
I'll find you [6:32]: You don't even look like you're 18
[6:32]: Say hi to me
[6:32]: hi
[6:32]: msg me on facebook kunt unless you're scared
[6:32]: RJ Hiku
I don't have a facebook
I use fake facebook accounts
as usual
[6:33]: Because you hide behind screens
You're a poofter thats why
[6:33]: If you were infront of me right now
You wouldn't be saying this shit
[6:33]: I would be kunt Idgaf what size you are
[6:33]: I don't either
but you seriously have no idea
who you're dealing with
From auckland
You going to fly all the way to Aussie?
[6:34]: I dont give two flying fucks who you are
I will if I fucking have to
[6:34]: So you'll spend $1000
when you can buy more rp
for $40
Good maths
[6:34] : Yeahp just to boot your head
Idgaf what that is?
[6:34] : But what happens if you get rekt
[6:35] : disrespectful spending other peoples sjit kunt
[6:35] : Aren't you asain
hack me back
smart ass
[6:35] : Fucking maori you stupid fuck!
Thats us co fucking 1 outs
[6:38] : im back
shit password for such an old person
[6:38] : and what
made it years ago prick
[6:38] : you wouldn't have this problem
[6:38] : just started to play
[6:38] : if you had a good password
League of Rage
[6:39] : You shouldnt fucking try get in to peoples fucking accs!!!!!
[6:39] : I didn't try, I got into.
[6:39] : Why the fuck for?
[6:39] : free skins
[6:39] : And a free fucking hiding
[6:40] : you can't touch what you cannot see
[6:40] : you have a death wish cunt
I'll get there [6:40] : yea I do, but not from you
[6:40] : Yeah you do you prick
just wait
I'll be the cause of your death [6:41] : A promise you will never be able to keep up
[6:41] : No its a promise
[6:41] : Good luck getting through 7 SSL proxies
[6:41] : the only promise I'll keep
[6:41] : with a VPN
Now go tell your friends you got hacked
[6:42] : I will
you hacked a lol acc
nothing big
[6:42] : And your facebook too, soon.
[6:42] haha go hard
your friends acc will have a fun time
then you
[6:42] : Might aswell go for your bank account too
[6:43] : Lol I aint scared of shit
Just wait when I find you
[6:44] : okay
when that day comes
I'll give you a cookie
[6:44] : I'll make you suffer
[6:44] : Plez no, no no noooooooooo
[6:45] : Straight up kill yourself kunt you have no life
[6:45] : How am I here then
[6:46] : because you're a fucking faggot
straight up
lucky you arent in nz
[6:46] : I'm flying down there in December, wanna play hide and seek?
[6:47] : I'll see you in hamilton kunt
better fucking come
[6:47] : Oh, I'm going to Auckland, meet me there
[6:47] : I'll be there faggot
meet me in South Auckland
I'll be there
[6:48] : I'm going west I have important shit to do
[6:49] : Idgaf what you have to do? This is important shit
[6:49] : not to me
[6:50] : it is to me you fucker
[6:50] Well I have to go, goodbye. My friend will be here though
[6:50] : FUCK YOU KUNT
6:50] : lmao
my friends so funny
[6:51]: Im going to shoot his legs, stab his throat and feed him to my american pitbull!!!!!!!!!!
[6:51]: hahahaha
[6:52]: You're next just for fun [6:52]: Okay
6:53]: good
should bring some protection
you're going to need it
[6:53]: I won't need anything
[6:54]: No you'll need to be escorted
[6:54]: I have this weapon with me
Don't want to touch me
[6:54] I want to touch you
Yous dont know who the fuck you're messing with
[6:56] Haha yeah sure is
[6:57] : Well I'm gonna go and play
[6:57] : You'll find hells angels, black power, mongrel mob and more waiting at the airport with me
[6:57] You can still duo with me [6:57] : See you two there for a couple seconds [6:58] : Please don't hurt me i'm only 12 :'(



