Leo Digital Supply Chain Strategist L L Rep 0 0 0 Rep 0 L Vouches 0 0 0 Vouches 0 Posts 97 Likes 90 Bits 0 1 MONTH 1 1 MONTH OF SERVICE LEVEL 1 500 XP OP Sunday at 8:23 PM 0 0 #1 So I have many cards (Pictures Below) and I want to trade them to someone. Feel free to trade offer me. Cards/person = 3 Hit me up: Loading… steamcommunity.com Loading… image.prntscr.com Loading… image.prntscr.com Loading… image.prntscr.com Loading… image.prntscr.com
So I have many cards (Pictures Below) and I want to trade them to someone. Feel free to trade offer me. Cards/person = 3 Hit me up: Loading… steamcommunity.com Loading… image.prntscr.com Loading… image.prntscr.com Loading… image.prntscr.com Loading… image.prntscr.com