Script Creator
400 XP
Well all i was trying was to reach freaking Silver.
At first i didn't script.
Then i realized 2 out 5 people on your team are retarted. Pick Yasuo support or nunu jungle. AFK after dying twice to mid lane. Jungler goes afk after blue gets stolen from shaco.
I felt like it was a kindergarten. I was literally forced into scripting so i can carry my lane all the way. Even with scripts by BoL i was still losing.
And i started playing champs like Vitkor the whole time. Used LonseVitkor scripts with Evadee and PrinceViewAwareness. (no idea how its called. i deleted that folder. out of rage).
Well then i thought wait Zed i can be the solution. and bam after like barely 6 games i got banned.
No idea what to do now.
Should i continue scripting on account posted here. or should i start with my smurf account and do it completely scriptless.
Is there even a safe way to script ?
At first i didn't script.
Then i realized 2 out 5 people on your team are retarted. Pick Yasuo support or nunu jungle. AFK after dying twice to mid lane. Jungler goes afk after blue gets stolen from shaco.
I felt like it was a kindergarten. I was literally forced into scripting so i can carry my lane all the way. Even with scripts by BoL i was still losing.
And i started playing champs like Vitkor the whole time. Used LonseVitkor scripts with Evadee and PrinceViewAwareness. (no idea how its called. i deleted that folder. out of rage).
Well then i thought wait Zed i can be the solution. and bam after like barely 6 games i got banned.
No idea what to do now.
Should i continue scripting on account posted here. or should i start with my smurf account and do it completely scriptless.
Is there even a safe way to script ?