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Complete Beginner's Guide to Nulled/BoL


Critical Infrastructure Researcher
S Rep
S Vouches
LEVEL 1 400 XP
Hello friends, with the new Anti Leecher coming into place I decided to make a guide to makes things a little easier for the new members of this community. Seeing how I have made a ton of mistake with my time here. Please go easy on me this is my first time making a guide
1. Remember to give back to the community, esp with the new rule in place getting points will be more important than ever. (If your leacher value is 75% or above you will no longer be able to view some of the content.) Learn from my mistake, and don't rush to write a shitty guide to get rid of it.
2. Getting started
You need to get BoL (duh) http://botoflegends.com/
Then go to Finndev's BoL Crack and follow his installation instruction there. Remember to see the links you need to comment and upvote it.
3. Avoiding Crashes
Recently, I have had a lot of issues with bug splatting during loading screen and in game. (Might be because of my bad comp) This is just some tips to help you avoid bug splatting.
  • Open "BoLHijackGui" (the program you got from Finndev)
  • Start a game and wait until you are loaded into the game (Important)
  • Press "Start Monitoring"
  • Open up BoL Studio and Log in
  • Injecting...
  • Set up your scripts (f9 to reload scripts)
  • Press "Stop Monitoring" (This will save you a lot of FPS)
This was the way I stopped bug splatting, so I'm not sure what works for you. I suggest just experimenting how you can have the best result.
4. Downloading scripts
Try digging around in the forum for a script package and experiment with what works for you.
Here's a link to a script package to get you started:
Champion Scripts: https://tinyurl.com/q8h63rn
Evade (Must have): https://tinyurl.com/mhdrov8
thanks to "lololol" Remember to upvote/comment
5. Installing scripts
6. Realize what a script is
Remember a script will only help you with your mechanics, so decision making and game knowledge is still essential to climbing. I have an easier time climbing with the champions that I am familiar with while using: EvadeRevolution, Tower range, Hidden Objects, (situation) Auto Shield
I am currently D2 (peaked Master Tier). My win rates are a good example on how important knowing your script is
with a Xerath Script..
just playing a really familiar champion
This does not mean you shouldn't use champion scripts. Remember to learn them and make sure you can use it to a high level. ( I heard holding space-bar helps)
7. Somethings not to ask/do in the forums
  • Where is L# Cracked?
  • EloBuddy (L# replacement or something I have no idea)
Remember to read the Forum rules!
This is a great site, it provides you with a lot of information and helpful tools. However it is a also very active community that requires and encourages you to be part of it. As long as you don't make the same mistakes as me, you'll have a good time. GL new members on Nulled. Feedback, criticism, and questions are welcomed. (Maybe an upvote too)



