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Lets Talk About Riots Reporting System (Reddit Post)


Testing Orchestration Strategist
A Rep
A Vouches
LEVEL 1 400 XP
Lets talk about the reporting system here. I myself love league, I have been playing it for 2 years now on 3 different accounts. But as of late i have noticed some mistakes that riot has made with handling the reporting system. Lets be honest it has cleaned up the community a lot. I rarely see any toxic people but lets begin why i have a problem with their current system.
Definition of the report system- Bot checks over games and if you are reported enough and you can get Punished for being "toxic". Bot checks for Certain words/phrases and amount of reports before even thinking about punishing a player. Bot then reviews YOUR chat logs and doesn't take into account other members of the games chat logs when punishing players. Based on what you said in game you will be punished or not.
Now here is the problem that i see in the system now. Players who have been playing for a while get reported A LOT. Some players report others for being "toxic" even though they rarely say anything in game for no other reason that they lost. If you get enough reports no matter how much time is between them, you will eventually get chat restricted. Shout out for the people who have never been chat restricted; its because you do not have a history like some. So now reformed players like myself who have noticed the error in their ways will now be troll reported and end up being punished for no reason.
Now lets take a look at what happens to people who are reported for no apparent reason over and over and they have reformed from a history of toxic behavior. They get chat/ranked restricted for no apparent reason at all. Or if you are unlucky enough you can walk into a norm alone and play with 4 people who are toxic to anyone who isn't in their group. So you are chat restricted because of the earlier mentioned "troll" reports. You do bad in game, and go say 3-12-2 as jungle and you failed because you are new to the champion you are playing or whatever reason. So now your team who is all on Skype gets the enemy team to report you because they make up a false story of you being "toxic" and you haven't said anything in chat. By the end of the game if the stars align and you get 9 reports low and behold in the next 5 minutes YOU ARE BANNED. how do i know this, it happened to me about 2 months ago for no apparent reason.
What is the definition of toxic? Some people might say well someone being toxic is when they complain about another player doing bad or something along those lines. Now lets see what about 90% of the league community finds toxic. "Mid stop feeding buy a ward and play safe". "Malphite stop building armor against rumble and build MR". "We lost this game because no one would target the carry and graves would not stop getting caught". This is just general communication not toxic behavior. Now here is an example of ACTUAL toxic behavior. "Wow fucking botlane wont stop feeding ggwp fucking noob botlane, Kill yourselves". "noob support cant even support fucking wow im fucking afk with this support" Because i never used my charges of relic shield on all the minions or she/he took poke and blamed me. "Fucking report maokai cunt has fucking brain damage needs to kill himself". THAT'S TOXIC PEOPLE. So now instead of communicating and giving people corrective criticism, Lets report people for talking in chat even though they are trying to help you. Now we have people who are even scared of talking in chat because of the fear of being banned or restricted to a community who knows jack shit about the definition of toxic.
What i propose, is that riot allows humans to take control of getting ranked restricted or even being banned at all. Riot needs to release what the definition of toxic is and provide examples. They should also remove everyone's history of toxicity (at the beginning of each new season) if their bot is going to chat restrict everyone who gets a few troll reports. I have been abused by the reporting system for 3 months and i want change!
Leave your Additions in the comments below, please do not be an asshole when you post. Also because riot doesn't accept criticism themselves they will delete this thread in about 30 mins max so im posting it on reddit too.



