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Here's a list of tips and observations on the new Gangplank.


Audience Engagement Tactician
T Rep
T Vouches
LEVEL 1 400 XP
TL;DR he's got a new power curve, he can outfarm 90% of champs, he's a great split pusher
-core items are iceborn, infinity, cdr boots, bloodthirster, spirit. you could swap the cdr boots for frozen heart and ninja tabi, or merc treads and warmogs, etc., but...
-...try to get 40% CDR, you need that to keep your barrels stacked up. also try to maintain at least 3 damage items so your barrels chunk late game.
-first item is usually sheen - for the mana, early burst (if you call for a gank) and waveclear.
-6th (luxury) item should be defensive or a maw if you got hexdrinker early.
-gangplank is much better against melee matchups in lane because of barrel zoning.
-take E at level 2 unless your enemy laner has heavy harass+CC at level 2 (lulu for example), or all-in+CC potential (riven for example) - in these cases you take W.
-he's weak against champs or team comps that can reposition him, E.G vayne, trist, blitz, janna etc. This is because you are very dependent on positioning relative to your barrels. vayne top is cancer.
-early on, focus on farming and stacking your serpents. dont start fighting enemy laner until you get IE.
-deaths daughter is the first ult upgrade - the 60% slow and true dmg burst really hurts in midgame skirmishes. second upgrade should be raise morale for mid/late game utility.
-his passive true dmg DoT applies to turrets. killing barrels revives the passive. this combined with sheen procs means you take towers fast.
-at full dmg (iceborn, IE, BT) your barrel will half hp squishies.
-your max barrel plant range is 1000, and radius is 400, so you can potentially harass from like 1200 range. a more practical harass range is ~800.
-take TP, not ignite. split push hard, try not to teamfight.
-if you have to teamfight, a late game barrel that hits 3 enemies or more will straight up win the teamfight; it will chunk squishes by 40% + hp and ignores 60% armor, so it hurts tanks as well. However, this is hard to pull off reliably; a more practical teamfight method is to focus the front tankline with your true dmg and armor penetration, and chain-toss barrels to the backline during the confusion of a fight.
-the gold passive on his Q is 4/5/6/7/8 as it levels, so you earn 24-48 extra gold per wave (potentially). this combined with using teleport to stay in lane means you will outfarm and thus outscale everyone else in the game, 90% of the time.
-my waveclear method was to group up the minions, put a barrel in the center, iceborn the melees, and then Q the barrel to clear it all (ideally).
-you might want a triforce instead of iceborn situationally....but i prefer iceborn. it applies on Q, it maxes your waveclear in combination with barrels, the build path is efficient in early levels, and the early AP scales with your W and R, giving you more sustain in lane and extra ult dmg at level 6. iceborn also increases your 1 v 2 potential; a combo of barrel crit, deaths daughter, and iceborn means you can turn an outnumbered fight almost as well as rumble or heimerdinger.
Edited by mypetwussy, 26 July 2015 - 05:20 PM.



