Data Structure Guru
300 XP
This is a guide for low elo players who claim that they are stuck in "elo hell" because of their teammates, or an afk, troll and so on.
Read my guide, follow evey step, and then you won't even need that one teammate who is afk. You will be able to carry on your own as a marksman.
So let us begin.
This guide we're gonna focus on the adc role / marksman, and on a specific champion, Ashe. I know what many of you are gonna say:
"But Ashe is weak, has no mobility and she only costs 450 ip."
Well let me say that Ashe is one of the top tier ADCs right now. The playstyle I will soon present to you does not require high mobility.
Ashe only costs 450 ip, and so does the enemy Amumu who is gonna fuck up your game with his 450 ip ult.
Let me tell you why I consider Ashe so strong:
- Passive that slows the enemy on EVERY basic attack.
- Global Ultimate with damage and crowd control (CC). This ultimate can turn a whole game around, no joke.
- Her E can prevent ganks, give vision to a certain location on the map when enemy is missing.
Well let's see what we got:
Slow on every basic attack, global ultimate that can hit multiple targets and stunning them providing CC, ability that can give vision on a specific location on the map. All this on a 450 ip cute grill marksman
Ashe - The Frost Archer - Runes & Masteries
- For the early game I just want you to farm. I want you to have 100 cs until minute 15. It's recommended 100 cs until minute 10-12 but for low elo, if you get 100 cs in your first 15 minutes, it's more than ok
Read my guide, follow evey step, and then you won't even need that one teammate who is afk. You will be able to carry on your own as a marksman.
So let us begin.
This guide we're gonna focus on the adc role / marksman, and on a specific champion, Ashe. I know what many of you are gonna say:
"But Ashe is weak, has no mobility and she only costs 450 ip."
Well let me say that Ashe is one of the top tier ADCs right now. The playstyle I will soon present to you does not require high mobility.
Ashe only costs 450 ip, and so does the enemy Amumu who is gonna fuck up your game with his 450 ip ult.
Let me tell you why I consider Ashe so strong:
- Passive that slows the enemy on EVERY basic attack.
- Global Ultimate with damage and crowd control (CC). This ultimate can turn a whole game around, no joke.
- Her E can prevent ganks, give vision to a certain location on the map when enemy is missing.
Well let's see what we got:
Slow on every basic attack, global ultimate that can hit multiple targets and stunning them providing CC, ability that can give vision on a specific location on the map. All this on a 450 ip cute grill marksman
Ashe - The Frost Archer - Runes & Masteries
- For the early game I just want you to farm. I want you to have 100 cs until minute 15. It's recommended 100 cs until minute 10-12 but for low elo, if you get 100 cs in your first 15 minutes, it's more than ok