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Some interesting things regarding cheating and detection (from BoL forum)

cry at night

Chibi Historian
C Rep
C Vouches
LEVEL 1 100 XP
  • Spectating:
    • It is proofed, that in many cases RiotGame-Supports took a look at reported players, to determine if he is cheating or not.
    • In special in higher elo's/competive matches it is common.
    • This persons are called replayviewer and are mostly highskilled player and (ex-)cheater that verfiy reports.
      • Used only in case of reports.
      • Used by Tencent(League of Legends CHINA)
  • Software obfuscation:
    • Many games encrypt their files and communication ways.
    • RiotGames did nothing of this for a long time, but recently started with the patch 4.2 to encrypt their packets.
      • Used only for packets.
      • Used by Tencent(League of Legends CHINA)
  • Virtualizing:
    • Several games played around with running the game it an virtual enviroment, to make it harder to cheat on it.
      • Not used by RiotGames.
      • Used by Tencent(League of Legends CHINA)
  • Custom data:
    • Many games use own data storeage systems to avoid user acces/modify their data.
    • RiotGames use the RAF(RiotArchiveFile) system what is not a secret.
    • There are many unpackers for it, to change skins, sound or even whole maps.
    • On an other point, what few dev's use, you also can read out any kind of spell values here.
      • Used but not for AntiCheat.
  • MD5 Checks:
    • RiotGames checks after updates or if your game is damaged, with MD5 comparison what files need to be repaired.
    • This is just an update related process here, and not used as AntiCheat.
      • Not used by RiotGames.
      • Used by Tencent(League of Legends CHINA)
  • Overwatching Systemfunctions(monitoring api calls):
    • Many AntiCheats hook into several systemfunctions, to controll and overview your computer and detect on this way known anticheats or try's from unkown programms to acces to their game. This is common for AntiCheats, AntiVius tools or...malware.
      • Not used by RiotGames.
      • Used by Tencent(League of Legends CHINA)
  • Outside Game scans:
    • Few AntiCheat scan all running processes or even all files at your computer, to check if you even just own a known cheat(not even use).
      • Not used by RiotGames.
      • Used by Tencent(League of Legends CHINA)
  • Inside Game scans:
    • RiotGame's check several stuff inside their game, mainly to be sure and self testing functions.
    • This is not directly an anticheat, but not hidden/bad hacks can be "detected" here as smth "wrong" and the client will send a notification to RiotGames.
    • This + may some player reports and then a manuel controll of your account(+the support see the name of the "wrong" stuff) can redict into a bann.
      • Used by RiotGames.
      • Used by Tencent(League of Legends CHINA)
  • ServerSide Command verfication:
    • RiotGames reject normally any invalid commands.
    • They tried to solve this problem, with encrypting the Client-Server communication.
      • Currently not used by RiotGames.
      • Used by Tencent(League of Legends CHINA)
  • Stochastic detection(
    • This was a long time not a big deal, but in the last ~12 months, many really good systems got developed on several universtiys.
    • How does it work?
      • Basicly in every game, you create data, that get complete stored.
      • Every item you bought, every click you did or in case of cheating every attack/cancel/cast etc you did.
    • Why is it so efficient?
      • It is pure math and numbers(=facts) never lie. Keep in mind that all games are saved + RiotGames already banned many persons over the last years for cheating and this data can also be used to verify current values.
    • If they test now their algorithm, they have a big base of proofed cheaters, that they can use as examples + non banned active cheaters to test the system on actual cheater.
      • Only used by RiotGames to verfiy/test updates on their alogarthym. Currently not permanent active.
      • Only used by Tencent to verfiy/test updates on their alogarthym. Currently not permanent active.
  • And one more thing, this one is directly from Rito Gems (KR) employee (someone on jewduska posted this):
I got perma banned and i found this answer from riot korea.비ì¸ê°€ 외부 í”„ë¡œê·¸ëž¨ì— ëŒ€í•œ ì œìž¬ 조치는 단순히 별ë„ì˜ í”„ë¡œê·¸ëž¨ì´ ì‹¤í–‰ë˜ì—ˆëŠ”지 만ì„
ê°ì§€í•˜ëŠ” ì‹œìŠ¤í…œì„ ì‚¬ìš©í•˜ëŠ” ê²ƒì´ ì•„ë‹ˆë¼ ë¹„ì¸ê°€ 외부 í”„ë¡œê·¸ëž¨ì„ ì‚¬ìš©í•œ ë‚´ì—ì— ëŒ€í•œ
ì¦ê±° ìžë£Œë¡œì„œ ê²Œìž„ì„ í”Œë ˆì´í•œ ë‚´ì—ì˜ ë°ì´í„° ë² ì´ìŠ¤ê°€ 함께 사용ë˜ê³  있습니다.
means that
we detect based on the play data(i.e. log) as an evidence of 3rd party program.ì €í¬ëŠ” ê°œì¸ì 으로 ì´ìš©í•˜ëŠ” PCì—ì„œ ì–´ë–¤ í”„ë¡œê·¸ëž¨ì´ ì‹¤í–‰ë˜ì—ˆëŠ”지,
ì–´ë–¤ í™”ë©´ì´ ì¶œë ¥ë˜ì—ˆëŠ”지 수집하지 않으며, 비ì¸ê°€ 외부 프로그램 ì‚¬ìš©ì— ëŒ€í•œ ëª¨ë“  조치는
리그 오브 ë ˆì „ë“œì— ì–´ë–¤ ì˜í–¥ì„ ì£¼ì—ˆëŠ”ì§€ì— ë”°ë¼ ì´ë£¨ì–´ì§‘니다.
means that
we do not collect how individual's screen is displayed during the game.
All bans about 3rd party program are based on how they affect the league of legends game.다만, ì•žì„œ ë§ì”€í•´ ë“œë ¸ë“¯ì´ ì–´ë–¤ í”„ë¡œê·¸ëž¨ì´ ì‹¤í–‰ë˜ì—ˆëŠ”지 별ë„ë¡œ ì €í¬ê°€ 수집하는 ê²ƒì´ ì•„ë‹ˆê¸°ì—
ì–´ë–¤ 명ì¹ì˜ í”„ë¡œê·¸ëž¨ì„ ì¢…ë£Œ/ì‚ì œí•´ì•¼ 하는지는 안내가 ì–´ë µìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.
means that
we do not collect what 3rd party program is running when you are playing the game.
To summarize based on this,1. they do not detect Sharp itself.
2. they do not use screen capture to see the individual player's UI.
3. some obvious actions may be detected from the server side by analyzing the play log.
Well, since Tencent now owns Riot, if they want to introduce their innovatie 'ideas' we all are simply fcked..

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