Threat Intelligence Analyst
200 XP
About me : Hello, I'm Maestro29 and I'm going to show you how to climb elo with kalista easily! I'm a diamond tier ADC main on the NA server, with a bunch of games with Kalista. Climbing with kalista is very easily so I can guarentee you will get atleast Platinum elo from this guide and scripts i provided. Please +1 positive rep the post if you liked it, as it did take a while to make.
Kalista is a great always viable pick (especially with scripts) in almost every game. She does alot of aoe damage with runaans hurricane and her rend on multiple targets. She can kite tanks with ease which is why she fits in so well with the tank meta.
Champion matchups
Kalista is good against : Ezreal, Twitch, Jinx, Sivir, Quinn, Miss fortune
Kalista is bad against : Vayne, Draven, Ashe, Tristana, Corki, Lucian
Runes, masteries, and items
For runes, you want to use a standard adc rune page, only changing up the quints, 9x marks of attack damage, 9x marks of armor, 9x glyphs of magic resist and 3x quints of attack speed.
Build :
Your last item is situational. Lot of cc? Consider a banshees or a quicksilver sash. Assassins? Guardian angel. If you're really ahead, you can get another damage item like wits end for crazy kiting potential along with tons of magic damage. Make sure you get your BERSERKERS BOOTS as soon as possible. They help out your kalista tremendously, but they arent something you should rush first. The build order you should go is Botrk > upgraded boots > runaans > last whisper > bloodthirster > situational item.
Masteries :
Max E Depending if your support is ranged/melee, you want to start either W (Sentinel) or E (Rend). Your W can provide excellent health damage in trades, but it synergies better if you have a ranged support that can proc this easier without having to risk going melee form onto the enemy ADC. If you have a melee support, take your E for easier farming to get a level 2 early. If your support is RANGED : Max E > W > Q > R, of course, leveling your R whenever you can. If > Q > W > R. If your support is MELEE : Max E > Q > W > R.
Early game
In the early game, you mostly want to farm til level 3, and if you have an all in support, that makes it even better. You have a very strong level 3, with your q which is an extra 90 damage, your w which does TONS of health damage, and your e which easily secures the kill along with providing additional burst damage. You essentially want to generally farm, because your power spike isn't til mid game when you get BOTRK + Runaans Hurricane + Berserkers boots.
Middle game
At this time, you want to go for a dragon with your jungler. With scripts, you can easily secure dragons because most kalista scripts have a built in jungle execute feature, which will rend the jungle monster just in time to take it. Most of the time, you will out smite your jungler. By this time, you should have runaans and botrk if you farmed well and managed to get some kills in lane. If not, you should have atleast your runaans. You have alot of AOE damage with runaans, so you should be doing a decent amount of damage. Team fighting with kalista is great because it allows you to snowball very hard with the script automatically executing the enemy champion, so you can easily secure all kills.
Late game
You really need to position well at this time of game. At this point, if you die, it could change the game drastically because there is so many objectives to go for along with alot of time to get the objectives. Baron, inhibitors, turrets. You should have almost full build, and maybe a defensive item at this time to survive through their crowd control (if they have any). You should be staying behind tanks and kiting the bruisers that try to attack you around, then moving onto their back line as soon as you dealt with their front line. After winning a team fight, you could head towards baron and once again, since the script will auto execute jungle monsters, you can easily secure it. After getting baron, push for inhibs and stuff you would usually do to close out a game.
Scripts to use
The Kalista script to use (If you're using scripts with BoL) is kite machine kalista. The link to download kite machine kalista is Use Sac:r and evadee too if you have it
Edited by maestro29, 24 July 2015 - 03:22 AM.
Kalista is a great always viable pick (especially with scripts) in almost every game. She does alot of aoe damage with runaans hurricane and her rend on multiple targets. She can kite tanks with ease which is why she fits in so well with the tank meta.
Champion matchups
Kalista is good against : Ezreal, Twitch, Jinx, Sivir, Quinn, Miss fortune
Kalista is bad against : Vayne, Draven, Ashe, Tristana, Corki, Lucian
Runes, masteries, and items
For runes, you want to use a standard adc rune page, only changing up the quints, 9x marks of attack damage, 9x marks of armor, 9x glyphs of magic resist and 3x quints of attack speed.
Build :
Masteries :
Max E Depending if your support is ranged/melee, you want to start either W (Sentinel) or E (Rend). Your W can provide excellent health damage in trades, but it synergies better if you have a ranged support that can proc this easier without having to risk going melee form onto the enemy ADC. If you have a melee support, take your E for easier farming to get a level 2 early. If your support is RANGED : Max E > W > Q > R, of course, leveling your R whenever you can. If > Q > W > R. If your support is MELEE : Max E > Q > W > R.
Early game
In the early game, you mostly want to farm til level 3, and if you have an all in support, that makes it even better. You have a very strong level 3, with your q which is an extra 90 damage, your w which does TONS of health damage, and your e which easily secures the kill along with providing additional burst damage. You essentially want to generally farm, because your power spike isn't til mid game when you get BOTRK + Runaans Hurricane + Berserkers boots.
Middle game
At this time, you want to go for a dragon with your jungler. With scripts, you can easily secure dragons because most kalista scripts have a built in jungle execute feature, which will rend the jungle monster just in time to take it. Most of the time, you will out smite your jungler. By this time, you should have runaans and botrk if you farmed well and managed to get some kills in lane. If not, you should have atleast your runaans. You have alot of AOE damage with runaans, so you should be doing a decent amount of damage. Team fighting with kalista is great because it allows you to snowball very hard with the script automatically executing the enemy champion, so you can easily secure all kills.
Late game
You really need to position well at this time of game. At this point, if you die, it could change the game drastically because there is so many objectives to go for along with alot of time to get the objectives. Baron, inhibitors, turrets. You should have almost full build, and maybe a defensive item at this time to survive through their crowd control (if they have any). You should be staying behind tanks and kiting the bruisers that try to attack you around, then moving onto their back line as soon as you dealt with their front line. After winning a team fight, you could head towards baron and once again, since the script will auto execute jungle monsters, you can easily secure it. After getting baron, push for inhibs and stuff you would usually do to close out a game.
Scripts to use
The Kalista script to use (If you're using scripts with BoL) is kite machine kalista. The link to download kite machine kalista is Use Sac:r and evadee too if you have it
Edited by maestro29, 24 July 2015 - 03:22 AM.