Trophy Hunter
400 XP
1) Play Mid or Jungle. They have most influence in mid-game and can easily change the outcome of the match.
If you are mid and win your lane, you can easily start roaming, take dragon advantage and spread your lead across the map. There's a reason why most elo boosters prefer mid and jungle even when it's not their main roll
2) If you can't play adc, don't play adc. Script alone won't make you godlike adc.
Most important part about being adc is poisoning, not your mechanic or kiting ability. I see all these
bronze-gold guys spamming vayne and kalista script and complain that they can't carry. Duh, you get caught out all the time and position horribly. Yes, with evade you can dodge pretty much all the skill shots, and with orbwalker you can kite with no delay. But what's the point of all that if you can't position accordingly on teamfight? You will get caught eventually and die, doing miminal dmg. ADC isn't midlaner who just use all their ability and be done with. You have to be able to keep surviving and gardually stack your autos.
TL;DR: Adc scripts are good to show off to your friends, but t's horrible at climbing if you actually can't play adc yourself.
3) Ryze, Cass, Xerath scripts will get you into high elo very fast. They are easy, and strong.
But if you only play those champions, it's a dead giveaway that you're scripting. You gotta mix them up a bit.
And you shouldn't use them on diamond + elo. They combos are very obvious and really easy to spot out. You will get called out and you will be flagged. Try TF instead. Auto picking gold card alone will give you huge edge.
4) If you are already in high elo, you have to manage your scripts very carefully to not get called out. I don't want to post all the details here, so if you are in diamond + elo and got called out, PM me.
If you are mid and win your lane, you can easily start roaming, take dragon advantage and spread your lead across the map. There's a reason why most elo boosters prefer mid and jungle even when it's not their main roll
2) If you can't play adc, don't play adc. Script alone won't make you godlike adc.
Most important part about being adc is poisoning, not your mechanic or kiting ability. I see all these
bronze-gold guys spamming vayne and kalista script and complain that they can't carry. Duh, you get caught out all the time and position horribly. Yes, with evade you can dodge pretty much all the skill shots, and with orbwalker you can kite with no delay. But what's the point of all that if you can't position accordingly on teamfight? You will get caught eventually and die, doing miminal dmg. ADC isn't midlaner who just use all their ability and be done with. You have to be able to keep surviving and gardually stack your autos.
TL;DR: Adc scripts are good to show off to your friends, but t's horrible at climbing if you actually can't play adc yourself.
3) Ryze, Cass, Xerath scripts will get you into high elo very fast. They are easy, and strong.
But if you only play those champions, it's a dead giveaway that you're scripting. You gotta mix them up a bit.
And you shouldn't use them on diamond + elo. They combos are very obvious and really easy to spot out. You will get called out and you will be flagged. Try TF instead. Auto picking gold card alone will give you huge edge.
4) If you are already in high elo, you have to manage your scripts very carefully to not get called out. I don't want to post all the details here, so if you are in diamond + elo and got called out, PM me.