Clutch Master
400 XP
Why Yorick?
Yorick is a very fun champion to play and learn. He is still very underrated at the moment and many don't respect his damage output or split-push potential. If your team is very behind, games can still be won simply through his split-pushing ability alone. His kit is focused around controlling your ghouls and Maiden to push your lane and do serious damage to anyone (or anything) standing in your way.
Yorick is a strong champion throughout all lengths of games as he is able to become very tanky while still dealing massive amounts of damage to champions and objectives. With his ultimate up, many people often underestimate it's damage and at many points in the game; the Maiden and Yorick can take dragons, rift herald, or even baron with ease.
While playing Yorick you will often see enemy players disregard the maiden and focus on attacking you while the maiden damages them over time and gives you a percentage max health damage buff on them. This results in you killing multiple enemies while often times at very low health due to your Q healing more at low health and your sheer damage output.
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Pros / Cons
+ Very Strong Laner
+ Very effective Split Pusher
+ High Damage Output
+ Showballs very hard
+ Capable of winning most 1v3 fights with ease
+ High clear speed
+ Can 1v1 any monster or objective including Baron
+ Has ability to chase down most anyone with his e
+ Has a very easy last hit with his Q (Builds up graves also)
+ Can now take first tower consistently with Demolish
+ Super easy Rift Herald kill
- Cannot Peel very well
- Doesn't have the best CC to add when team-fighting
- When he is CC'd your only damage for the time being is your ghouls or maiden
- Massive power spike at level 6, must be careful until then.
- Ranged top laners are no fun
Guide Top
Demolish works fantastic on Yorick with his split pushing ability. I've tested this and now that his Q can hit towers, you can consistently take tier 1 top tower at 8 min or less.
I believe Grasp of the Undying is still the best main rune, and Overgrowth is good as you'll be farming and pushing lanes quite a bit, and having bonus health is way better in the long run, especially if the game goes for a long time.
I've seen a lot of people take The Ultimate Hat with Yorick and I have tested it and it does vary on the matchup Im in. If the enemy team has a lot of CC I feel he benefits much more with permanent Tenacity from Legend: Tenacity, as it is easier to track down and secure kills. Triumph is also great for fights if the enemy player has ignite or has a way to kill you after death. If they do not have a lot of CC or you want to play a more pushing focused game, I belive The Ultimate Hat is the way to go at the moment. I chose Transcendence to give you some bonus CDR as your first 2-3 items only give you 20% and that extra 10% can be very helpful.
Yorick is a very fun champion to play and learn. He is still very underrated at the moment and many don't respect his damage output or split-push potential. If your team is very behind, games can still be won simply through his split-pushing ability alone. His kit is focused around controlling your ghouls and Maiden to push your lane and do serious damage to anyone (or anything) standing in your way.
Yorick is a strong champion throughout all lengths of games as he is able to become very tanky while still dealing massive amounts of damage to champions and objectives. With his ultimate up, many people often underestimate it's damage and at many points in the game; the Maiden and Yorick can take dragons, rift herald, or even baron with ease.
While playing Yorick you will often see enemy players disregard the maiden and focus on attacking you while the maiden damages them over time and gives you a percentage max health damage buff on them. This results in you killing multiple enemies while often times at very low health due to your Q healing more at low health and your sheer damage output.
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Pros / Cons
+ Very Strong Laner
+ Very effective Split Pusher
+ High Damage Output
+ Showballs very hard
+ Capable of winning most 1v3 fights with ease
+ High clear speed
+ Can 1v1 any monster or objective including Baron
+ Has ability to chase down most anyone with his e
+ Has a very easy last hit with his Q (Builds up graves also)
+ Can now take first tower consistently with Demolish
+ Super easy Rift Herald kill
- Cannot Peel very well
- Doesn't have the best CC to add when team-fighting
- When he is CC'd your only damage for the time being is your ghouls or maiden
- Massive power spike at level 6, must be careful until then.
- Ranged top laners are no fun
Guide Top
Demolish works fantastic on Yorick with his split pushing ability. I've tested this and now that his Q can hit towers, you can consistently take tier 1 top tower at 8 min or less.
I believe Grasp of the Undying is still the best main rune, and Overgrowth is good as you'll be farming and pushing lanes quite a bit, and having bonus health is way better in the long run, especially if the game goes for a long time.
I've seen a lot of people take The Ultimate Hat with Yorick and I have tested it and it does vary on the matchup Im in. If the enemy team has a lot of CC I feel he benefits much more with permanent Tenacity from Legend: Tenacity, as it is easier to track down and secure kills. Triumph is also great for fights if the enemy player has ignite or has a way to kill you after death. If they do not have a lot of CC or you want to play a more pushing focused game, I belive The Ultimate Hat is the way to go at the moment. I chose Transcendence to give you some bonus CDR as your first 2-3 items only give you 20% and that extra 10% can be very helpful.