Digital Asset Manager
300 XP
What this is: A completely autopilot method to earn event tokens. These tokens can be used to buy: Event Prestige skins, 100 Prestige points, Event skin orbs, TFT series eggs, Hextech keys, event borders and chromas, and so much more! You can earn up to 500 tokens per day doing absolutely NOTHING. This means, over the average 1 month event, you will not only receive the event skin and another prestige of your choice from the shop, but you also can buy up to 50+ orbs ($100 value).
What you receive with purchase: Every purchase includes:
PDF guide and relevant downloads to help you set up this method
All future releases and updates for this guide
Full customer support to help you set up and fix any issues that might arise.
What do I need for the method: A working Windows PC that runs League and the event pass from Riot. That's all!
Price: $20
Payment Methods: PayPal F&F (preferred) and BTC. Other methods: Ask.
Contact on Discord: McTracerMaker#7734
Is this method legal? Yes, this completely legal and whitehat.
Can I get banned? I and many others use this on our main accounts and in over 5+ months no one has been banned. The program uses a macro in a unique way that makes the possibility extremely small and should be undetectable. However, as with anything of this sort, it cannot be guaranteed safe.
What regions does this work in? Every region can perform this method.
Can I play League or use my PC? No, your League account will be in use and it is recommended to run this on a separate PC or Laptop for maximum uptime. However, this is verified possible to run in a virtual machine (I personally do it while using my laptop). I will help with setup upon request.
Any other questions? Contact me on Discord!
What you receive with purchase: Every purchase includes:
PDF guide and relevant downloads to help you set up this method
All future releases and updates for this guide
Full customer support to help you set up and fix any issues that might arise.
What do I need for the method: A working Windows PC that runs League and the event pass from Riot. That's all!
Price: $20
Payment Methods: PayPal F&F (preferred) and BTC. Other methods: Ask.
Contact on Discord: McTracerMaker#7734
Is this method legal? Yes, this completely legal and whitehat.
Can I get banned? I and many others use this on our main accounts and in over 5+ months no one has been banned. The program uses a macro in a unique way that makes the possibility extremely small and should be undetectable. However, as with anything of this sort, it cannot be guaranteed safe.
What regions does this work in? Every region can perform this method.
Can I play League or use my PC? No, your League account will be in use and it is recommended to run this on a separate PC or Laptop for maximum uptime. However, this is verified possible to run in a virtual machine (I personally do it while using my laptop). I will help with setup upon request.
Any other questions? Contact me on Discord!