Zero-Day Researcher
300 XP
1-Evadee/dancing shoes or any other dodge script is really good, dancing shoes doesnt work as best but it is better to not get noticed, depending on your lanes this could give you a massive advantage, like imagine youre agains a lux, shes not going to hit anything so its a free win.
2-Aimbot, whenever i am forced to go suport i pick either tresh or blitz, by using aimbot on their skill shots you gain huge pick potential and can nearly every game get a lead for your adc (if your adc has 3 more kills then the other players right on the beginning the chances are you are going to win), also especially on lower elos ou can use that ability to snipe people that are out of position.
3-Any script that improves your mechanics is a good script, if you can use it well you should be able to win most of the lanes and carry in general, some of these scripts are very obvious and need to be uses at your own risk, i recommend scripts for Diana, Leblanc, Orianna and Syndra
4-There are certain visions scripts that help you by telling you where the enemies were last seen, you can focus more on the game and avoid ganks like a true diamond player, you can also ahave an idea where the enemis jungler was last seen if you want top pay him a visit.
5-Carry scrips for adc, completely take the cake, you have perfect last hitting, kitting, you can easily get picks in lane and destroy evryone around you, use this with a dodge script and dont forget to train a bit before you use them on ranked an you will win over 80% of your games with ease
Happy Scripting, be sure not to get caught ill be leaving some tips to help ypu guys suceed. Dont forget to upvote if this helped you
Dodge scripts have a way of disabling them for a short while, it is generally a good idea to let yourself get hit when you think its safe, since no one dodges every shot.
In lowers elos (from bronze to low gold), people have no idea that you are scripting even if you aren SUPER OBVIOUS, i played games in gold just using evadee and cass script and no one called me out anything but a smurf
Try to get a friend to script with, that way its harder to get fun, you win more games and you have more fun.
If i think of any more ill post them here, i hope you liked this post and if you did let me know if it worked.
Hi guys my name is linelarg (DIOGO), I started scripting about 2 months ago and in the beginning i had a hard time finding just what scripts could help me climb and win, after a while i managed to get it right and im currently PLAT1 (10LP to Diamond), I used to pay for bot of legends never knowing that there was a better way, but here it is, all the scripts that i used to carry to DIAMOND. Upvote if this helped you or if you found out something.
Edited by Linelarg, 03 October 2015 - 12:48 PM.
2-Aimbot, whenever i am forced to go suport i pick either tresh or blitz, by using aimbot on their skill shots you gain huge pick potential and can nearly every game get a lead for your adc (if your adc has 3 more kills then the other players right on the beginning the chances are you are going to win), also especially on lower elos ou can use that ability to snipe people that are out of position.
3-Any script that improves your mechanics is a good script, if you can use it well you should be able to win most of the lanes and carry in general, some of these scripts are very obvious and need to be uses at your own risk, i recommend scripts for Diana, Leblanc, Orianna and Syndra
4-There are certain visions scripts that help you by telling you where the enemies were last seen, you can focus more on the game and avoid ganks like a true diamond player, you can also ahave an idea where the enemis jungler was last seen if you want top pay him a visit.
5-Carry scrips for adc, completely take the cake, you have perfect last hitting, kitting, you can easily get picks in lane and destroy evryone around you, use this with a dodge script and dont forget to train a bit before you use them on ranked an you will win over 80% of your games with ease
Happy Scripting, be sure not to get caught ill be leaving some tips to help ypu guys suceed. Dont forget to upvote if this helped you
Dodge scripts have a way of disabling them for a short while, it is generally a good idea to let yourself get hit when you think its safe, since no one dodges every shot.
In lowers elos (from bronze to low gold), people have no idea that you are scripting even if you aren SUPER OBVIOUS, i played games in gold just using evadee and cass script and no one called me out anything but a smurf
Try to get a friend to script with, that way its harder to get fun, you win more games and you have more fun.
If i think of any more ill post them here, i hope you liked this post and if you did let me know if it worked.
Hi guys my name is linelarg (DIOGO), I started scripting about 2 months ago and in the beginning i had a hard time finding just what scripts could help me climb and win, after a while i managed to get it right and im currently PLAT1 (10LP to Diamond), I used to pay for bot of legends never knowing that there was a better way, but here it is, all the scripts that i used to carry to DIAMOND. Upvote if this helped you or if you found out something.
Edited by Linelarg, 03 October 2015 - 12:48 PM.